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Outside Influences

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Hi everyone. I've been a reader for a while now but have never had enough courage to post my problem....until now.


There is this girl that i've liked for a while now and im sure that she likes me too. But there are people who I am friends with who don't really know this person and are advising me to stay away from her some saying that they would be extremely upset if i end up with her. I've known this girl for about 2 years and have never had a problem with her personality type but my friends tell me she's very dominating and strong (I have never noticed this). Am I blinded by the fact that i'm crazy over this girl? Should I stop and think twice or should I go with what my heart tells me?

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Don't let anyone discourage you from hooking up with a girl. For all you know, the other people telling you to stay away are jealous or whatever, and aren't being sincere. In any case, you should be smart about this and assess this from your own vantage point: do you find that she can be domineering? If so, to what degree, and do you think you can handle that?


There are other qualities you might want to look out for, but generally speaking you have to know the girl better first, see things for yourself, and see how compatible you are.

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I would say she prolly was dominating and strong, just from the fact you're gonna date who your friends tell you to (tells me you are a weak and easily led personality so you would gravitate to someone "dominating and strong") It's really your call buddy, if your friends don't like her that's their problem. Grow some cahonays and ask out who ever u wanna ask out.

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I dated a guy that all my friends warned me for. They said he was instable and very complicated. They were right. But I wanted to find out myself. There might be truth in what they say, but you should find out if she is suited for you yourself.


I agree with sidehop, take things easy, start out with friendship or dating casually, and see how things go.



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The difference here is, that Tiger Eye knows this girl and his friends don't.


if it was the other way around, then i might take advice, if my friends all know a particular girl well and they tell me she is bad news, then I would not take my chances with her. but if they don't know nothing about her, then there warnings would have no influence at all on me without some reason to substantiate it.

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There are a couple of things...ultimately it should be your choice...


Now there are a couple of things that your friends of course can help you with...being that they are your friends...they do know you and have a sort of clue as to what you might like and not...so take into consideration the good advice that they MAY be giving...it is always a good thing to do so, for these are the people that are with you not really because there is anything to gain from it, but simply because they probably like hanging with you...so they are most likely giving what they see as their best advice...


Now then again...if you date her...it is not the end of the world...it is not like you are getting married to her or anything...someone dates in order to "see" if this is the right person or not. Do what the others have suggested...start off as friends and introduce her to your friends also...


After a couple of weeks and such...you will know and if you know that the answer is yes...then get the "balls" that you need and ask her out...or you will be regreting that for a long time...

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