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Should i break up with him?

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Ok so heres the deal... if you read my earlier posts, you know about the guy d who i am currently going out with. Hes so nice and funny and an amazin musician. We went to the beach with a bunch of friends and our families... we got really really close... and I REALLY REALLY like him.



Okay now heres the issue. We snuck out at 130 am and walked a few miles to his friend's beach house. And his friend asks if i want to drink some vadka and i just blurted "sure" so i chugged a LOT of that stuff. And then he goes "want a light" and i say "um okay sure" so yeah, i smoked and i drank and im only 13 and it felt great... I HATE to admit that... but it did. I dont know why I did it... i just wanted to fit in... Its not peer pressure I know because they were like you dont have to do it... (I had no problem drinking because i have wine at least once a week) but the smoking i am stuck on. A week before I left to go to the beach I knew already that d smoked and drank a lot. I swore to myself that i wouldnt smoke. Then I did and I know that d has also gotten into so drugs and stuff and I am worried that I am going to do that too. I feel an amazing bond with d that i have never felt with anyone before. I have liked him for 6 years and known him for 7. Its crazy but now i think i should break up with him even though i really really dont want to.



About 2 weeks ago I snuck out of my own house with a friend from school and a few of his friends. They are all 14 and 13 and my friend that was sleeping over came with us. We went joyriding all night. I had an amazing connection with one of the guys in the car well call him r. I really like him and hes is pretty strait edge so I dont have to worry about drugs or drinking or smoking with him the only thing bad he does is drive underage with his friends parents car. Hes really safe at driving and we were just having alittle fun. My friend that invited us, h got out and rode on the roof at 90 mph and it was hilarious. Anyways the whole time we were just having some fun but i didnt feel guilty about it... none of us got back until like 630 or 7 and r had school so he was almost cought but none of us were.



SO here I am... caught between two guys again. It is a terrible feeling knowing that i like them both so much and yet I could get in so much trouble with both... one is bad for my health the other didnt make me feel bad at all... so heres the deal I dont want to hurt d but i dont know how good of an idea it is to hang out with himyet i really really want to... what do i do?

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Wow. Wow. You need to slow down. I have no idea why you are doing all this stuff at your age. I really don't care how many times you've heard it, and I don't care if you think you are mature enough for this stuff. The things you are taking part in are illegal, and very dangerous. As for your guy situation, I dont think you should be with either of them, as they both sound like trouble. Also, you say he is a good driver, yet he steals his parents car, and lets someone on the roof while he's doing 90? I'm sorry if you think I'm just doing this to lecture you, but I am. I hope someone else has somthing else to say here...

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I think you need to change who you hang out with. I would not suggest either guy. You are going to be in alot of trouble if you continue this kind of behavior.

You need to find other things to do with your time. How about going to movies, the mall, fun stuff like that? Those are things you should be doing at your age.

What you did, was NOT cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
one of my friends talked about it in front of my mom and im grounded for the school year


Good for your friend, and good for your mom.


You know, I've read some of your other posts here on the forum, and you sound like a pretty good person. Sensitive to other peoples' feelings, with a dollop of common sense as well -- until it comes to your choice of guys and activities.


I'd really love to see you live past 13; please find some safer ways to have fun, and safer guys to hang with.

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