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Ex partners phone calls

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How many times do you think it is acceptable for your partners soon to be ex wife to keep ringing him when there are no kids involve? This is putting a big downer on me at the moment. She has rung him 3 times this week for not one valid reason. He thinks it is normal coz the split was amicable but its making me uncomfortable and he sees it as me letting there be a problem. I see it as her way of proving she is still in control. I get grief if I speak to my ex boyfriend. Need some opionions!

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Hello np,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that you're in this hard situation. I understand that your partner is ringing her soon to be ex very often and that this bothers you.


I live by a rule that says: "Communication leads to a better understanding." Communication is the key to any relationship. Is she aware of the fact that it bothers you? My suggestion to you is that you share your concerns with her. Before talking to her I would sit down and think over what exactly the problem is that bothers you. Then tell her that you love her very much, but that you are a bit bothered by the number of times that she calls her ex and anything else that you have come up with in your mind. Then take it from there, varying sweet words with words of understanding and concerns.


I hope that this helps you on your way and I wish you good luck. I hope that things will work out the way you had them planned.


~ SwingFox ~

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She doesnt know he has been in a serious relationship with me. he only tells her the things that he thinks wont hurt her. she doesnt know we are trying for a baby. she does ring for comfort otherwise she would text him. it always happens why i am at work. it has all the characteristics of an affair but i know it isnt. i feel like im the other woman most of the time. all i want to do is tell her what has been going on and how the situation is but he wont let me contact her and says it will cause a problem with me and him. it is him that is making me resent her. np.

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