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Hurting the people around you

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I have heard people talk about how if you choose to die, that it hurts all of the people who around you who care like family and friends. What if those exact people (every single one of them) were the cruel ones to you your whole life? And now you just don't find joy in anything? What should their feelings be any concern to you? I know they aren't for me.

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I'm sorry but I honestly have never met anyone in my whole life who cared for others in the manner I do. As soon as I see selfish or cold behavior, it makes me so upset that I never see the person the same. If my family, for example, cared, maybe they should have known better than to act the way they have always acted.

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Forgive and forget. That's what I usually do. Forgive them, and forget them. Leave and don't come back. But are you talking about suicide?? You are obviously not considering it. If you consider suicide, you don't care at all what anyone thinks.


Really hope things work out for you. Good luck my friend.

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I'm not expecting perfection. But at the same time, is it so much to ask people NOT to be so selfish or to walk over others they say they care about for their own benefit?


I've tried to change but I'm just not a cold person. If I could give my left foot and be the type who cared about no one's feelings, I would do it in a second because that is what they all deserve.

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I have heard people talk about how if you choose to die, that it hurts all of the people who around you who care like family and friends. What if those exact people (every single one of them) were the cruel ones to you your whole life? And now you just don't find joy in anything? What should their feelings be any concern to you? I know they aren't for me.


They'd probably feel guilt.

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