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On a break with current b/f...thinking about ex

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My b/f and I have been arguing about how I need my space for over 6 months now. He wants to see me all the time and when I'm not going to see him, he needs to know when the next time I see him is going to be. He needs everything to be planned out all the time and I can't live that way. I'm too independent to need to be with someone every second of every day. And he's the exact opposite. So we've been on a break for a couple of days now so I can sort out how I feel. We've been together for almost a year and a half and I'm not sure if I'm in love with him anymore. We have so much fun together (when we arent arguing about that stuff) but I'm afraid it might just be on a friend level because I'm not physically attracted to him anymore. I'm not sure if its because he smothers me so much and it'll pass or if its just how I really feel.


Meanwhile, I broke up with my ex a year and a half ago for the same reason, but it was never nearly this bad. Now, and for a while now, I can't stop thinking about how he's doing and what he's been up to. But he wants nothing to do with me, being that I tried to talk to him online for the first time the other day and he never responded. I'm not sure if I'd want to get together with him again but I can't stop thinking about him.


I don't know if I should break it off with my current b/f or not. Regardless of if I go and talk to my ex. Should I try to talk to my ex again? I feel like I can't sort my thoughts out without talking to him, because I don't have any closure from that relationship. HELP PLEASE!

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First off you don't exactly know if your ex "wants nothing to do with you" because he may have been away from his computer or someone else was on his screen name...I would try calling him on the phone or something before you make assumptions like that. With your current boyfriend I would tell him exactly how you feel- that you feel like you are being smothered and that he can't keep it up like this because if he does then that will definitely be the end of you two. But if you don't think that you love him anymore, it might be easier for you to just end things now before he begins to love you even more. And for the ex boyfriend I would wait until things with you and your current boyfriend settle out because it's hard to jump from one relationship to the next. Just give it some time and things will start to work themselves out. Figure out exactly what you want before you act on any impulses.

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