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Story of me being dumped by my gf and what I have learned

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Hi to all members of this forum.


I have been reading this forum lately and see that I am not the only one being dumped. The forum heped me a lot while coping with breakup. Just wanted to share my story.


Back to Nov 2004. I registered with online dating service and I stumbled accross profile of the girl I met 5 years ago. She is a friend of the girl I briefly dated in 2000. So we started talking and seemed like we clicked.

She thought I hated them becuase of what happened between me and her friend. Anyway I was about to leave to Caribbean for one week vacation and happened to tell her this. She suggested to go together as friends. She needed to use her vacation days. Since I was going alone I would not mind someone joining me. So you can imagine what beach and romance can do to man and woman. We came back as bf/gf. We had a blast. We spent good time together and had lot of fun. In February she said in email that she seems to loose a feeling that we had in Caribbean.

Then couple of times she said that she is not good enough for me but I said it is nonsense and ignored it. She fights a lot with her parents and she would not tell me why. In february her parents kicked her out of the house and I asked her to stay in my house. That is how she met may parents - what a nice way lol. I suspect the main reasons for fight is that she does not spend enough time at home and that she has problems with alcohol. Then I went to Vancouver for work conference and she joined me later and we travelled.

After coming back from there she said that it is her dream to move to Vancouver and that I should consider moving there. I said that I need time and find good job there. In beginning of June on saturday she called me and asked if I want to go to festival this evening. Then she called me back saying she is grounded because she got into fight with her parents.

On sunday she was supposed to call me to go to barbeque with her parents but never did. I left her a message. On monday she emailed me that she does not want to be together anymore. I was in shock.


Do I deserve breakup email after 6 months of dating. I thought I deserved at least conversation?!


and I know she went to club this day when she was apparently grounded and met another guy. I saw pictures of them on her website.


Now I am still coping with my breakup and I think she never really loved me.


And I am not seeing the reason. Nothing was wrong with realtionship. Is it just a new guy?

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1) date more than 1 person. Because you never know what will happen. I had several potential dates but rejected them all and left with nothing


2) understand warning signs like things she said: not good enough for me and such.


3) Love is a great feeling. End of it is very difficult to cope with


4) Follow advice of SuperDave and keep NC

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is that what you learned ??


dating more than 1 ?


i dont agree with u at all... yeah it works when you just want to play.. but if u want a real relationship this wont work..


ofcurse NC helps.. love is a great feelings.. and yeah when it ends its very difficult.. but so what ?


we have to love... and sometimes we will get hurt.. its like u r saying driving a car is great.. but making an accident is hard.. does this mean we should not drive at all ? just if u r a good person.. good things will happen in the good time..

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