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To date or not to date.........

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Ok, it's always been a tradition for me and my best friend Pippin to go to the movies the day it comes out. We usually go once or twice a month, and a couple of months ago a guy friend of ours started to come with us. We all have the same taste in music and movies, but we're each unique, too--that way it's never boring!


Anyway, at first I was totally cool with this guy hangin with us. I've known him since..........well, I can't even remember how long. He's a pretty cool guy and everything, but I noticed that lately he's been acting differently around me. Well, Pippin's started noticing these things, too. Last night on the phone we put two and two together, and found that he likes me and (after keeping this secret for two weeks) I finally told Pip that I like the guy too.


Well, we were all supposed to go see this play Saturday night, but Pippin's family is going on a fishing trip. So I asked my friend if he was serious about still going (HE brought the subject up, mind you). He told me he was, and provided he wasn't grounded, we'd go tomorrow night.


I'm kinda freaked about what's gonna happen. I mean, he's one of my best guy friends, and there's the fact that he's younger than me....and I just found out this morning that his folks are going to see the play, too. But we're both determined on NOT sitting with parents.


So what should I do? I mean, I really like this guy, but I'm afraid to bring this up with him, especially since his folks are gonna be there. He hasn't mentioned anything about us goin out alone, and with my best friend gone, I'm kinda adrift when it comes to advice. So can I get some help here?!

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Be friendly but play it cool. The worst thing you can do is make a fool of yourself - if you're wrong you'll never live it down. Be open and welcoming but not forward. Let him make the move if he's interested - just make sure to meet him half way. If he holds your hand, let him! Just relax. The worst thing you can do is make it uncomfortable. Pretend you don't know he's interested and you're there as a friend - it'll take the pressure off of him (which can kill any courage he builds up).

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Thanks for the tips. My best friend said she'd like me to talk with him though, coz she's ended up being a "messenger" for several of her other friends. I'm just gonna wait and see how he acts tomorrow night and I guess I'll go from there.

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You'll never believe this. Ok, I called Logue to see what time we should meet tonight, and he told me his Dad had just grounded him for something he did on THURSDAY. Does this rot or what? I know his folks, so he's definitely telling the truth. He kept on apologizing to me and said he wants to make it up to me. So I guess Pippin was right about Logue likin me so much. Well, I'll see Logue tomorrow morning at church, so I'll let you guys know what happens. Later!

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I don't believe this. ok, I have the perfect opportunity to chat with Logue for a few minutes and he LEAVES! I think he's afraid of being alone with me--you know, dreading to talk. Yet on the phone he was about to ask me out...I don't get it. maybe he just has more confidence on the phone or something...but it's really getting to me. I would ask him out myself, but I'm kinda old-fashioned when it comes to this--I like the guy to ask ME out, not the other way around. And since he's such a close friend of mine, I'd rather him bring it up so I can make sure he feels that way....God, what do I do?

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