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My New Weight and My Desire

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Almost a year ago I posted this topic:

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I made a new account becuase I forgot my password to both the acocunt and my email address, so that's why it's different name.


When I post that topic I was over 350 pounds, now nearly a year later I thought I'd let you all kow how I was doing. Well, I haven't exactly lost weight, I've actually gained quite a lot of weight, and on purpose. As I'm typing this my weight is 503 lbs, and I love every inch of my flabby obese body. My wife has also become larger however she only put on 50 lbs since I last posted.


I know what happened to me is bad for me, but I don't care. I love being fat and I love gaining weight. My wife loves to see me gain weight and I love to see her gain weight. It's something that turns us on more than anything, and we are enjoying life by living it the way we want to. We have been criticized by our families, but we've still been gaining weight., and I love it. I can't say it enough, I LOVE BEING FAT AND GETTING FATTER!!


Its all thanks to this website as well: link removed. I first discovered this on accident, but boy am I happy that I did. It let me know what I was really feeling, and that I really wanted to gain weight. I love being obese and I am going to continue gaining weight. My wife has stopped at 220 lbs, but I plan to keep on going. This is one of the greatest thing that has happened to me in my life, and I don't plan to lose it, only to further it.


I just wanted to say all this. Everyone tells me to lose weight, but I love it regrdless of the risks. I can't weight to break 600 lbs.

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Being happy with yourself is a great thing. However, you must consider the health risks with your doctor. Right now, you are enjoying life and that is great. Just be careful that in gaining more weight, you don't shorten your life....consider the health risks before deciding to hit the 600 mark.

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