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Once a Cheater ALWAYS a Cheater?


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Lavender!!! He cheated on you 3 times, NO I would not take him back. Three times is not the "once and they were disgusted with themselves so they wont do it again" that i was reffering to. This guy sounds like a habitual cheater, no way in hell would i take this loser back.



P.S. People use that rough patch as an excuse, but the truth is there is no excuse for misleading others, and lying to your SO, no excuse.

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Regardless, I don't care if the rules don't apply to 'the once a cheat, always a cheat.' If a cheater cheats on me once, that's enough for me to really deeply hate them and walk away, for good. I might be able to forgive, but won't forget. I think that anyone who's ever been cheated on would understand that I have every right to feel this way.

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Oh I agree with this, i mean if things are not happy at home, I can see the motivation, If the love is gone between a couple I don't think its much of a surprise if one goes off and has some action somewhere else.


The "cheating" i believe most are referring to, are those that get plenty of love and sex from their partners, but just cheat because they can or for variety, etc.


what gets me is the double standard, OK, if a girl has a guy and he cheats on her, thats bad, but if a girl is with a guy she knows thats married, she doesn't consider the sex he has with his wife cheating on her.

this is the same with guys, you sleep with someone else girl, but she still having sex with him, they accept this, yet if after she dumps him and now is your girl, if later she goes off and has a fling with her ex, the guy gets all bent out of shape. I just find this human behavior weird.


you get what you ask for, if someone is capable of cheating on someone else to be with you, thats their character, and they are very capable of doing the same to you also.

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