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I just want to live life without them in control of it.....

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Straight to the point: I don't know how to talk to my parents about what is going on.


Situation: Ok well.. lets see this week has been a living ( oposite of Heaven). My parents found out that I have been seeing my girlfriend, who to them is just my friend, behind their backs. They only know of one instance of me actually seeing her, though I have been sneeking around this whole summer. They pretty much HATE my girlfriend now and they told me that after I have done my " thinking" if I wanted her in my life I had to talk to them about it. Which is bull to me since I will be turning 18 in October, but how do I tell them that I want them to leave me and who my friends are alone? To stop protecting me and let me live MY life without them trying to sheild me from everything?


They want to know why I lied to them and I told them why but they wont believe it 'cause it is not what they want to hear. It's the truth though? What am I supposed to do? Just make up an answere that they will accept because if that is it I can't. There is no right answere. This isn't the first time I have lied to them.. but this is the first time I did it and they both found out. What I don't get though is that I see her once and talked to her a few times( ok or so I said) and they flip out, but when I snuck a guy... A GUY ... into their home my mom didn't get this angry or anything. Does that make sense? Could they really be that big of hipocrits and do that just because they are " uncomfortable" around her?


My parents do know that my girlfriend and I have kissed and well earlier before we had gotten together my mom..." heard" us. Bad.. Yes... In the past.. Yes.. Do I regret telling her and doing that? Yes because if I had known all this crap would have happened then I would never have told her and never would have let my girlfriend finger me. Yes I know I have screwed this all up for me. My girlfriend though has done nothing to them. Just because I told them earlier before I knew her that she cut and what they have heard around our town they dont like her. They are so judgmental and think that she is physically abusive? Yeah ok.... We ruffhoused and yeah I came home with some bruises but those were my fault.. we are just messing.


I just don't know how to tell them to leave me alone and let me grow up. To let me live my life without them. If I knew I wouldn't hurt them I would leave. I would move out and leave. Yet they would get sooo mad at me and hurt that idk. Anytime I think of doing something for me all I think is them. What is wrong with me? Can anyone help? Please anyone if you have anything to say just tell me. If there is more you want to know just let me know. Pm me or whatever..




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I think that your parents are just having a tough time warming up to you and your girlfriends relationship. A lot of times, parents are not accepting at first when they realise their child is in a relationship with a member of the same sex. Oftentimes, all it takes is a sincere, heartfelt talk between you and your parents although it may take a bit of time, possibly a long time before they accept your girlfriend and the feelings you have for each other. Especially at 17, parents can be or seem very controlling. A lot of it has to do with the growing up and away from home part of life. I'd reccomend sitting down with your parents....I'm not so sure about involving your girlfriend and her parents....maybe that would be good too....and telling your folks straight out about your feelings for this girl. Let them know that you'd like them to be more understanding. Hopefully, that will help make things better or at least get them started in that direction.


take care



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