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Hi all.

Been trying to maintain NC, and have done good for week and a half..but Sundays are the worst for me. I don;t know why. I seem to feel

the my lonliest, the the strongest urges for contact on Sundays and at night. During the day, I keep myself SUPER busy, trying to stay out of the house and working..but then it hits me.

I keep wanting to call or email him, but I KNOW I shouldn't.

I am just so upset because all I want is for him to reach out and say he misses me..or ANYTHING. That's all I want.

I hate feeling like this but I need to vent.

Any support or advice is welcome right now.


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No contact is really hard, I know! It's hard to accept that a special person is no longer a part of your life. I'm told that it gets easier. I think a good method of coping is to take up something that you've always wanted to do, a class, pottery, yoga, or do things to keep yourself busy.


Since Sundays are the hardest for you, then come up with something to do on Sundays that will keep you busy and keep your mind off of your ex. If you are lonely, maybe schedule a girls' day out with friends on Sundays and go to lunch and some shopping or bowling or something.


Hope you start feeling better...

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Thank you Breeze...I appreciate the thoughts.


I feel better this morning. I got a good nights sleep....and doing much better. As I said, some days are harder than others. The workweek is easy for me, as I have SO many things going on...it's the "in between" stage for me. I do think of him a LOT ..but at least I am not acting on it...which I have in the past.

I am not sure if this NC will bring him closer...or make him forget me...but either way, I am not making a fool out of myself, or compromising my integrity anymore. I am sure he notices he has not heard from me....and in fact I am sure he expects to...but believe me , he won't...and especially if this site exists. It has been VERY VERY helpful.

I am not expecting him to come back..in fact I am not expecting anything at all. I am just biding my time....and in the process I am moving forward. I am freeing myself emotionally from the "WHAT IF'S". Those are only going to hold me back, and keep me stuck.

The best advice I can to ANYONE going through this right now..is to live in the moment...NOT in the past.. (what has already happened)...and NOT in the future ..What may or may NOT happen. Live for now...it is cliche', but so true. Make today count, because you will never get it back.

Be happy NOW.

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wow. it souns like all of you are going through the same thing as me. its so rough. Im glad we are all here to support and encourage each other. i have been NC for a week today. and trust me...it feels like a lifetime. I have kept myself so busy...going out almost every nite..seeing old friends and stuff...buthe constantly still pops up into my mind. I still think about him a lot...and the what if's are driving me mad. I have this small urge to contact him...but I wont..i think what i really want is for him to contact me and be like "im sorry im a jerk i was wrong, i miss you, ill change" and then i can be like HA too bad...retribution. I want him to hurt as much as I am right now. Isuppose this thinking is counter productive...since i am tryying to heal...and I don't really expect him to come back to me. since it is the second time we have broken up....and the reason he did it was because hesaid he didn;t' love me adn doesn;t think he will ever fall in lovewith me...(ouch i know....) but every time i open my email I kinda secretly wish that there will be something in there from him......it sucks.

PM me any time if u guys want to talk....little support group or somethigng

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God..I know how it feels...the email thing..wishing he'd mail me...but on the OTHER hand, I know he expects something from ME..and the fact I am not giving in IS a small victory for me. Every day that goes by I know....even if it's not now, he WILL wonder about me..even if he doesn't contact me, I know he will think of me. I mean, how could he NOT?? I AM

a pretty incredible person and hard to forget!!

Hang in there...PM me if you need to ..I would love to help.

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Hang in there - Sunday's are the worst for me as well. What is with that day??


I know it is hard - but try to keep it up. Completely distracting yourself is not always healthy either b/c you don't give yourself the time to actually deal with your feelings. This may be why you hit such a low point. Try to remember that when you are actually dealing with the bad feelings, that they will pass....talk to a friend, write, or post on here. remember that everytime you take the time to deal with the low feelings, that you are that much closer to healing.


I too can relate to wanting to hear something - or anything for that matter, but remember that, that may actually end up hurting more than helping.


I hope you are doing better today!


Take care of yourself.



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