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Paying for sex

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Ok... Lonely Whats your point? Judge not lest thou be judged.


Passing judgement on the worlds oldest profession. As long as there is a demand.. the supply will exist. Right... Wrong... aaaahhhh a debate that has raged on for centuries and will continue on after our life times.


R u looking for advice???


Do what thou will. And Harm Ye none.

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I I think a large percentage of marriages are far more immoral.

What is the difference between a woman who marries for money and a woman who rents her body out for money? Denial.


Exactly. Thank-You Napoleon.


As for the Wiccan code.. I don't know all about that... but


[b]And harm ye none.. do what thou will.[/b]


Means that if you choose to do something.. as long as it doesn't HARM anyone.. yourself included... do what thou will. Nothing sinister in that... its just being mindful.


Just as the golden rule "Treat others as you would have them treat you"... same thing.. basically.


No.. he opened a converation and didn't give us anything to chew on. But lord knows our minds will take to the bait.


A woman/man... who marries for money.. yep.. same thing.


A person who stays in an abusive relationship.. be it physcial, mental, verbal, or emotional abuse... Whats the PAY-OFF.... selling "YOURSELF" is selling "YOURSELF"... at least a hooker is straight up with it. Sex for money.


How about SEX for good behavior in a marraige. OR no sex for bad behavior in a marriage.


or as someone pointed out.. a THANK-YOU for dinner and a movie.... same thing.


But lets see if the poster comes up with the rest of the story.... lol


Or maybe this was just it... to see who'd nibble and bite.

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Personally, I would never sell myself for sex. I would feel too dirty. I would never pay someone to have sex with me and I don't need to. I also don't think that anyone should pay for sex. Sex is one of those things that one shouldn't have to pay for. Not to mention AIDS and other STDs!

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I wouldn't judge someone who paid for sex, but I'd definitely feel a bit of sympathy for him/ her (yes, I've known of women to pay for it!).


As far as me selling myself for sex, well, that would just be something that I couldn't do. I'd go crawling back to my mom and dad for help before I'd ever be that desperate for money!

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i must say napoleon put it in the perfect way. there are so many examples of immoral acts--especially in the most holy forms for example marriage that to look at prostitution as this big taboo and this gigantic wrong is somewhat being a hypocrite. now i mean to be honest personally i do frown upon it but its not like OMGG ITS THE WORST THING EVER. its their business their sexual desires...and what you consider "payment" is another thing. and it may be considered disgusting or someone brought up the issue of stds well the way ppl are today i really dont look at protitution as the doorway. look at how many partners peaople have! for free!! wowww thats even more shocking lol. i look at it as a job. what about modelling, selling your body for money. similar situation here.

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Its something i would never do, but i see absolutely nothing wrong with it. having sex has medical benefits and if paying for it is the way that person chooses to go about it then so be it. also if both people agree to it then i dont see a problem. its not something i reccomend but i dont see a problem with it


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I couldn't do it myself, but I don't pass judement on women or men who choose to prostitute themselves, everyone has to make money some how and if that's what they feel happiest doing, why not?


I only disapprove of it when it's causing infidelity or supporting a prostitutes drug habit or something like that.


Anyway, sex sells. We all know that.


I take more offence to provocative/sexist billboards and advertisements that children and idiots are going to be influenced by.

Two consenting adults exchanging money in privacy for sex isn't on my list of worst things happening in the world.

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I would never pay for sex and I certainly don't need too. That being said, if somebody does it, so be it. I think a large percentage of marriages are far more immoral.

What is the difference between a woman who marries for money and a woman who rents her body out for money? Denial.




Personally, I wouldn't, but if someone else wanted to do, you can't exactly stop them can you?

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Okay, first off: I see this topic could get pretty hot, especially since some people might think I did this to act like a troll. That was not my intention.


But I didn't quite want to give the whole story yet, because I've become very interested in how black/white/grey people really are. (It has nothing to do with this topic, tho. heh. Just personal interest).


So, what happened?

Well, a week and a half ago, I went with some friends to a town, where they got an apartment. Right behind their apartment, there's a little(??) red light district. I've never seen it, and we went for a walk there. Since it had been almost 2 years since the last time I had sex (and they know about that), a friend of mine was like: if you go, I'll pay.


Now, the money I didn't mind. But I did wonder about the morality. Paying for sex... I always thought it was something I would never do, or need, for that matter. So yeah, we went for some drinks (okay, I got a little drunk), and decided: what the hell, I want to pretty much try it all anyway. Why not now? So we went back, and found a nice girl for me.


To keep things short: it was an experience. A good one, too. I know it may seem sad for some people to pay for sex. The argument of 'I'll just get a girlfriend' is an interesting one. Do you think that if I'd be able to 'just get a gf', I'd be needing something like this? No, some people don't have that luxury. Besides: It's legal here, they all use protection, it's a relatively safe business, afaik.


I know some people are revolted by this. And other may think it's sad. Maybe it is, I dunno. I just know that I had a good time, no regrets, and that I could really use it, at that point. Besides, the girl was being very nice, and we actually had some normal conversation. Heh. (didn't expect -that-)


Oh, and Shadows Light. Nice code. And I agree on your views of sex for good behaviour or dinner/movie. Sure, you get to know eachother a bit better, and hopefully you end up with a bf/gf. But I know that many people are just trying to get laid, and then the whole dinner/date thing is kinda hypocritical. imo

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i don't see why not. guys these days try to woo women with gifts and dinner, etc to get laid, prostitution is just a more direct way of that. nobody does anything if they don't think they will get something out of it, whether it's a prostitute or a girlfriend or a wife or anybody. some people want money, some want sexual satisfaction, some want romance, etc.


morally, it just depends on your own personal view of sex. some people think sex is immoral without love behind it, etc. depends on you.


other than that, there are health issues to considers (STDs)

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Yes, Napoleon but all that is literally HONEST is not RIGHT. It is right to be honest but it is not honest to do what we know is wrong. We have to be completely free and well at mind to know and not do what is wrong... like pay for one of God's most sacred acts with someone you don't even know or have feelings for. It's Primal and animal like... It's not even in good enough intention to call it animal like... because wild animals are not taught wrong and right, they don't feel wrong and right... humans on the other hand do. But they choose to ignore what they know is right and be deviant. Unfortunately, things like porn, prostitution and hollywood... are the devils biggest rat traps in disguise... It's up to you to be a good judge Ladies and gentlemen... So be it.

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... like pay for one of God's most sacred acts with someone you don't even know or have feelings for. It's Primal and animal like... It's not even in good enough intention to call it animal like... because wild animals are not taught wrong and right, they don't feel wrong and right... humans on the other hand do. But they choose to ignore what they know is right and be deviant. Unfortunately, things like porn, prostitution and hollywood... are the devils biggest rat traps in disguise... It's up to you to be a good judge Ladies and gentlemen... So be it.


personal opinion. you can't expect everybody to have the same beliefs as you.


to be honest guys, there can be no agreement reached in these debates unless everybody believes in the same axioms, then it's just a matter of appealing to logic. what people percieve as "right" and "wrong" differ from one person to another.


my point is, whatever your moral beliefs are, not everyone has the same ones as you (eg how you said "what we know is wrong), so it doesn't make for a good argument to others.


and how can you assume that animals are not without a sense of morality? they might very well have a feeling of "right" or "wrong" instinctually, even if their views might not coincide with yours.

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I am of the belief that many animals are more evolved than we are in some ways in their primitive state of mind. And I don't agree about none of them ever feeling right or wrong. Nor do I believe something is wrong just cuz I am taught that it is.

But that aside, the closest definate moral wrong is if it hurts somebody else who hasn't hurt you, it's wrong. This doesn't qualify. And I don't believe sex has to be totally sacred either. I believe one night stands can be okay, even cool. So this is consistent with my beliefs.

And I don't believe in the Devil so I don't gotta worry about him.

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I am of the belief that many animals are more evolved than we are in some ways in their primitive state of mind. And I don't agree about none of them ever feeling right or wrong. Nor do I believe something is wrong just cuz I am taught that it is.


I'm of similar belief. I think a humans' biggest strength is their logical mind, and most of them have the ability for some higher level thinking than most animals, but it's also their biggest weakness too.


Most women are attracted by men who have power, especially in the form of money. Hell, a lot of women marry a man that they might not be very attracted to just because he would be a good provider. That's basically giving yourself to a man for money.


A lot of men try to persuade women with dinners, gifts, romantic words, good treatment, etc, ultimately to persuade woman to have sex with them. That's basically an elaborate way of paying for sex.

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