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i need a new look!

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hey everyone, well heres my problem: ive had long dark hair forever, my clothing style is...well...cute but blah...the point is...IM GETTING BORED OF MYSELF!!..is that normal?..i just want SOMETHING to make me feel beautiful...maybe its clothes maybe its more self esteem...i dunno....a new look, new makeup...hair colour...something! any suggestions!?

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try a new hair colour and haircut - dont' do anything drastic, just like do some highlights (i have dark hair and i got kind of caramel colour highlights and it looked good). Don't cut your hair all off just get some layers in it and put it a bit shorter, then go out and buy a new outfit or two, buy colours cuz colours always make you feel like a new person and they are fun to wear. so try that don't make big changes all at once just start with that and you will feel like a new person!



Have fun!

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lol heyyy fellow 17 year old dark long haired girl whos been stuck with the same style forever! i dont know exactly what you look like so i dont wanna tell you to do something ya no? but honestly i really im not bored anymore i mean im not bored with my look ive come to absolutely love it. and i have very dark hair and i used to wanna lighten it but now i realize it defines my features it makes me look really defined and outstanding. but something to make you feel beautiful...it has to come from within. now no doubt im not gonna lie what happens within is often greatly influenced by the exterior or outside factors such as your peers. but really until you're happy with yourself it really doesnt matter. you sound beautiful already (you sound like me!! lol jkss) and just look in the mirror and focus on all the stuff you lovee. but a new look? well i say start small....and unless you have at least 500 to spend on a new look for clothing clothes is not a good place to start. now again i dont know your style...i mean if you're not used to glammed up try a girly halter or a flirty skirt. but i say start small...natural looking highlights, funky makeup is a great way to mix up your look. so play around with it you might stumble upon something very "you".

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