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is this a porn site or a dating site confused!


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I just moved in with my BF of 2years for a few weeks until I get my new apt... anyways I had to use his computer to check my email... I don't like using his computer cause I think he has some kind of porn addiction and his computer is just filled with it and I find it disgusting... anyways I went down to browser history and I saw this website link removed and I clicked on it and it seemed to be some kind of adult/sexual friend finder and it listed only people from our state who were doing sexual type of things... so it seems he must have typed in his zip code so he could see people from the area... my question is does anyone know anything about this site is it just a porn site or is it a site to find people to hook up with... I don't think I can ask my bf because he gets angry easily and I don't feel like starting a fight over this if it's nothing... but if it is a site that is for finding hookups how do I bring this up with my BF I'm pretty bothered by it and I know I've been acting kind of distant towards him...


Thanks for the input

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it seems like a shady website where you can post nudes of yourself and if you said theres a search for ppl in your area...that def sounds not cool of him ... and he doesn't sound like a great guy beings your afraid to bring something up because he will get angry... sometimes people get angry and make you feel like a bad person either bc they are violent or bc they are covering their own guilty concience... it would be one thing if he was just looking at porn ..but why would he need to search for ppl in the area ...

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Wow. I relate a lot to what you are going through. My husband also downloads porn. Which I am ok with. Being the point that these are just images of people. There is no feeling or reciprocation from a picture. But if he is getting on hookup sites I'd be forewarned. This is usually the start of more problems.


The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows people to communicate from different parts of the world. Unfortunately it also makes it easy for people to cheat on there significant others. It sounds to me like there is something that you really need to make a decision on. You can choose to ignore, or if you are really serious about having a long term relationship with this guy, you need to figure out a way to talk to him about this. If he is not willing to be honest and up front with you, then you need to decide if this is the type of relationship you want to continue in.


Bottom line, you need to decide if you are ok with his porn. You can't get into a relationship and expect him to change just because. He is probably not going to stop looking at porn. thereforeeee you either need to learn to acept this part of him. Or this is going to be a problem in the future. Do you really want to be wondering all the time wether he is or isn't getting on hookup sights. It's not going to just go away.

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Experiencing the same thing right now...hate to tell ya, but these are sites for interaction. Find people who are of your interest, i.e. looks, height, hair, eyes, sexual likes and dislikes (like they would on a dating service) and then "match" you up so you can potentially interact with one another via webcam, IM, voice control or emails....sorry honey

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  • 3 weeks later...

can't people change from watching porn? if you ask him to stop that it is making you icky surely he will to make you happy


watching porn is a choice if he loves the porn more than you there is a problem straight away



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