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Here's another, let me know what you think people...

Why me?


Why me?

Why am I so wrong for love?

Why is my faith and trust abused?


I guess i know where I stand now

In the same place I've always stood

But being here, I always hoped for more


Thinking of our times

You know you spurred me on

You spurred me on

Made me who I want to be


You showed a glimpse of me

You made me see that

You made me see who I am

The person i am and am still


So why me?

Why did you touch me only to let me go?

Why did you kiss me only to make me cry?

Why me?


What did i do to feel alone?

Alone and without you

I loved you and still do

Is that wrong?

So wrong that I still care and always will

Is that wrong?


If it is

Then why am I so wrong

So wrong for love

Why me?


Written 20th August 2003




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Well this poem is one from 2 yrs ago, it turns out that she was wrong for me anyway, so you're right shy soul. however this poem probably caters for the whole of my life as to why I'm so unlucky in love, and as for the other poem london girl, well i think the one that this poem was for was wrong for me also.

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Nice and simple.


Common thoughts. I thought you were going to say something about your life and wrong loves... but it was sweet about this one girl. i'd like to see you write one that kind of describes why since Boyhood you were wrong for love. I think some good stuff could come of it. Keep it simple like this one though



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very nice poem!! i loved it... actually i also wrote a poem with the same thought as yours...i entitled it wrong with me?"


its true that no matter how weve been good to someone, still we only got nothing but pain and heartaches..."sniff..sniff"


and only left in puzzled and never understand why....



keep writing nice poems of love....

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