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Female orgasm from a guys and girls perspective wanted

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Ok, delicate question so I will get to the point. My ex was incredible in bed, we often could get her to 3-4 orgasms in one go, all of them during penetration. I have heard that this is very, very rare. Indeed, some women never do at all. Why? I am scared that maybe she just was like a godddess or something and I will be perpetually disapointed in the future. Any opinions on this?

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Well, I dont know about other girls. But 4 orgasms in one go isnt hard for me personally if it's the time of the month Im horniest/most fertile.

Usually just after her period or when she is ovulating her body tells her to do it lots, I guess this is a reason for this. Every girl is different however.


For me personally, I can't orgasm with penetration alone, I need to use my hands on the clitorus as well. Thats a personal thing, every womans different I guess.


As for a maximum.. I think 10 in one day would be for me. At a push. But NOT in one session lol.


I think twise is a good enough achievment.

Just remember, alot of girls cant orgasm on JUST the penetration alone...



alot of girls fake it WELL. lol

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I'm not as lucky like Kurodashi When I'm having sex, if I can even have an orgasm, it's good....I never had more then 2 orgasms in a day( not even from the same session though! )

And me and my friends were talking about this earlier this week, and none of them can have3-4 orgasms while having sex.....

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Well personally if a female wants to fake an orgasm, more power to her. Her situation is never going to get better if she keeps faking because something is wrong. The true is that woman sometimes arent as enthusiastic about sex as men can be and they just want to have the sex over with. This is typically when I hear most stories about them faking.


Men need to learn not to take womans orgasms so seriously. I believe it was Ginsburg who said "Women need to take responsibility for their own orgasms". Sorry to say it men but we are just tools, we can be duplicated and sex toys offer more pleasure than we can ever hope to give. Men should not think of a female orgasm as a ego trip but as something she is sharing with you. Hopefully you are able to get her to that point, and if not then you try other things and keep the lines of communication open.

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I am scared that maybe she just was like a godddess or something and I will be perpetually disapointed in the future.


Hon, I don't think it's *you* who has to worry about being disappointed.


I'm kidding, of course. But keep in mind too that while an orgasm is awesome, it isn't necessary. Plenty of women enjoy sex without it, so a lot of times, it's not as devastating for us if it doesn't happen. And if there is too much pressure to peak, it won't.


It's great when a woman can come multiple times during intercourse - and you're right, that is rare. But it's going to be hard for her to orgasm even once if you compare her to your old flame.

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I'm sorry you found my comment offensive. that wasn't my intent.

I was just telling you the truth, alot of my girlfriends fake it.

I can't do anything about that. Its just the truth from my perspective.



It was sarcasm...


OMG... ROFLMAO... TOTALLY... DARKBLUE... OMG OMG OMG.. darlin.. I think I had an orgasm reading that play by play... it had me in stiches.... lol

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Nice Commentary DAY-WALKER.....


"If you keep doing what you are doing.. you will keep getting what you always got."... so yes.. if you FAKE IT... then its your own fault... how the heck is he supposed to know to change things up. FAKING IT.. just makes him continue doing what he thinks you like. Pavlov's dog. Learning by repetition.


OK.... Bounder.. we are all different as you have already surmised. And I can't promise the next one you will be with will be a GODDESS... but don't worry about it to much. Communication is the key. And you teach by example. Telling her what you like... whispering sweet nothings in her ear...lol. That works. And...you never know... you might find a girl.. who "USED" to fake it and now with you.... doesn't have to because you are such a good and caring lover. Does that make sense??? feel better???


One of the keys to being a great lover and giving pleausere is ... knowledge... knowledge is power.. read read read...and learn. AND above all communicate..and share the knowledge with her....


learn to laugh... and have fun... also... very very important.

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I'm sorry you found my comment offensive. that wasn't my intent.

I was just telling you the truth, alot of my girlfriends fake it.

I can't do anything about that. Its just the truth from my perspective.



It was sarcasm...


OMG... ROFLMAO... TOTALLY... DARKBLUE... OMG OMG OMG.. darlin.. I think I had an orgasm reading that play by play... it had me in stiches.... lol


I'm glad someone on the site appreciates sarcasm.


I can't see how it could have been taken any other way.. ohwell.

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  • 1 year later...

Bounder, I understand you're fears. I was with somone who I had the most intense love and sex relationship. Not one before or after has compared. But they are all different and require a different attention to them. Yes, relationships and women are similar in this instance. Fear is the mindkiller, so relax, learn your new girlfriends mannerisms and eventually you will make her happy. This doesn't mean that you'll both click and multi-orgasm your way to the record books, but that can't be the only thing that matters. Otherwirse you'll both be unhappy.

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To try and get back on the original subject:


All girls are definitely not like the OP's ex. My girlfriend can have multiple orgasms from oral/manual, but once she has one from penetration, she dries up and moves on right quick. And she requires some sort of stimulation besides pentration in order to do so. All women are different =)

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I'm not really sure what percentage of women can reach multiple orgasms from penetration, but we are out there. I can't say whether or not you'll be disappointed in your next sexual relationship, but your goddess was not one of a kind when it comes to multiple orgasms. I've had over 20 orgasms from penetration in one (long) session. My norm is 2-6 at a time, and they start almost immediately. We DO exist!

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Sorry to say it men but we are just tools, we can be duplicated and sex toys offer more pleasure than we can ever hope to give.


What?!! You're kidding right?


I love my vibrator, but it is no where near as stimulating as a real man drawing his fingers over my skin and pulling my body close to his. Sex toys don't moan, caress, whisper, push, pull, breathe, suck, or tease.


At least mine don't.


A sex toy might offer up a sure bet orgasm, but what about all the other things that make sex intoxicating and mindblowingly pleasurable? You can only get those from a real live sexy man (or woman).

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