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Wow, I can't believe how much I hate my ex...

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...it makes me do the stupidest things. I'm so angry and frustrated with him. The only redeeming factor about him is that he'll be leaving California and going all the way to the other side of the country in about 2 weeks. I can't wait for the day he is out of my life completely.


How could I be such a fool and think that a person like him will EVER change his selfish ways!!!!!


AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh! I'm so frustrated! Can anyone relate?

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Well I usually hate my exes too but then I consider it is much more of a love/hate relationship. In fact I hate them (her) only because she does not share my feelings anymore so instead of loving her and trying to be at her feet asking for pity I love her with all the disdain and wrath my dry heart is capable of... The truth is when they are not there we dont usually have to confront them, so far from eyes is kinda far from the heart. But then I do know that I miss her so much that it is a painful thing to see her walking by, ignoring me... So you have to ask yourself do you really hate him for what he has done to you ? Do you have any reasons to do so ? If you are in the same case as I am then you do not need any reason to hate him, you just need to be in deep pain... Well in fact there is no point in hating someone you loved... and who "loved" you... Though i dont know what happenned between you 2 there maybe is a good reason beside trying to get him out of your heart...

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A lot of people feel the same way. If a person mistreated you in a relationship or wasn't there for you when you needed then then you're probably going to hate them. The key thing is to be able to let the anger go. Once you get to that point, you'll feel much freer. Forgiveness is a big part of it. If he was a jerk to you, forgive him. He can't go back and fix what he messed up. YOu don't have to talk to him in order to forgive. You can reach forgiveness within yourself. Once you forgive, you will let go of the hate which actually binds you emotionally to him and then you will reach the final stage of emotional detachment and healing. His moving away is a plus, but it isn't the thing that's going to make the anger go away. Only you can do that.

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I too fluctuate between love and hate. Hate that she could lie about her mistakes and motivations and her love for me for months while she thought about leaving, and the new guy. Love because I know that she was confused and scared. Hate because it hurt me and broke one of my main rules, honesty.


Then there is a guilty feeling of maybe it was my fault, maybe she is the one who should be hating, and then it gets really confusing. I can forgive her, but what if i drove her away.


See, hate can be complex i guess

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Can totally relate girl> Some guys never change. You think that after being in a relationship with a person, you know them inside out. Well, how easily is one fooled in love. I guess the only person you can depend on to make you happy is yourself. Sometimes relationships just suck! Your lucky you'll be ride of him in a few weeks. Now you can start anew.

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Yes, I do consider myself lucky that he's leaving I think it makes it a lot easier when you don't have a chance of "accidentally" bumping into them somewhere. It also keeps me from doing incredibly immature things like driving to his house uninvited.


I guess I was so angry because I always get to this place where I'm okay that the relationship is over, I distract myself with other fun things, create a new hobby, find other guys attractive...and THAT'S when he'll pop back into my life with the "I miss you" "I want to take you out to eat" "Things are going to be different" "I LOVE YOU!!"


And ofcourse, I fall for it and we get right back into it....and then I guarantee after two weeks of a lovey dovey, understanding, good relationship, he'll take me for granted, treat me like crap, not care about my feelings and act like a complete and total jerk.......THus, the cycle starts all over again. The same feelings of rage come flooding back, I'll text him nasty texts, send him hateful emails...but then after 2 days of that, I'll stop and realize it's stupid....I'll start to move on, be happy, enjoy myself...and then BAM....here he comes again.


Well, right now, I'm at the stage where I'm over the 2 days of texts and emailing and I had a lot of fun last night. So, I think I'm okay.


It's weird 'cuz I don't really get sad when we break up. I don't cry, I don't miss him, I'm just angry at him and myself (for falling for it every time and putting myself back in the cycle).


But now that he's leaving for good, I won't have to worry, 'cuz I'm surely not flying 3,000 miles to see him, and I know he won't do that for me either. Bastard.

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