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I have been dating a guy for about a year and a half. It's been sort of rocky. Lately we have been fighting. We have broken up a couple times before and I loved him and took him back. I'm 26 but I feel like I'm 16 tonight.


Sunday I was over at his apartment and we were getting along well. He had some drinks and we started talking. He said that he wanted to have some time apart and suggested we be friends for a bit. I know that means he's interested in some other woman(en).


I said, I don't mind a break but if your intention is to see other women and get some and expect me to come back, I don't play those games and it ended with me breaking up with him. He couldn't give me a clear answer on what his intentions were so I gave him a straight answer on what I was about.


The next day he needed a favor and called me. I'm sorry that was Sunday, Saturday we broke up. Sunday he needed a ride to work, his car is broke down, I took him.


Monday night he invited me over for dinner. I ate and left.


Tonight, Tuesday, he called me in the morning. He said good morning, we talked a couple times in the day. He hinted that he might see a girl later in the evening. I said, well if it's worth it go on, but basically don't try to get me back.


He calls tonight, tells me there are some people there, including -the- girl, and basically invited me over. It was normal until that point.


So really, he wanted to see other people, and for some reason called to tell me about it.


Did he really expect me to come over?

Did he expect me to get jealous? Was I supposed to jump up and go beat her up? What was he possibly expecting out of that converstation?


He said "I told you I would call you!" Umm ok, there's a difference in just calling to say hi and calling me to rub something in my face.


I'm a little confused on this situation.


Don't bother telling me what a jerk he is, I know that.

What was his motive to calling me and inviting me over?


I'm getting the feeling he wanted me to go over there and either scare her off or mark my territory. Either way I'm not going but I'm lost.


What's going on?

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i don't think you should talk to him as often you shouldn't have to explain what is going on to him if you have broken up with him a couple times before maybe it wasn't meant to be. if he really cared how you felt he would show up at your door or work to ask what was wrong he intiated the breakup in the first place

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