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Confused if this guy likes me or not


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I'm so confused on whether this guy Mike likes me or not. We've ran into each other twice now, and had a great time talking. The first night we met, he told me he'd like to see me again. The second time we met, I gave him my number and again he expressed interest. He was leaving for South Korea for ten days and asked if it would ok if he called me when he returned. I told him to have a blast in Korea, and of course he was welcome to call. His best friend told me to leave tonight free because Mike is now back and would like to see me again. But he never called. I have no idea what is going on for tonight. It's frusterating because I'm not sure if I should make other plans or not. If a guy is into you, he would call, right?

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no he might not call right away when he gets back. he will need time to settle, rest, hook up with his friends, etc. Do you have his number? If he doesn't call in a few days maybe call him and ask him how is trip went. just be friendly and if he asks you out with him then he will and if he doesn't then just leave it and move on.

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You know how guys are, its prolly gonna be like a last min. call or something.. im sure he likes you if he made sure you knew he was leaving n for how long, n his friend told you that, im actualy pretty positive he does like you..id say wait it out. or make plans but only let the others know if he does call you have to cancel..you know?

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Beec, I totally agree with you. I like this guy a lot, but it's just inconsiderate to expect me to come along at the last minute. I've had guys pursue before where they would call me and ask me out on a date, and not last minute. This has always given me a clear indication of their interest. This guy hasn't called once. Yet he was thinking of me enough to bring me up to his roommate while he was in Asia, and beg him to set something up where we'd be able to see each other again? I don't get it. Why doesn't he just call me himself. Well, Mike's roommate and my best friend Jessica are dating, and they just called and invited me out tonight with them. Apparently Mike's roommate's cousin is having a small get together, and Mike will def be there. Jessica said she's been requested to 'drag me out'. I will go tonight and hang out, but I do admit I'm half tempted to say no. After tonight if the vibes are still good between Mike and I and he still doesn't call, I really have no idea what to think. Maybe this is his way of testing his interest further? It will afterall be only the third time we've seen each other, and he knows I just came out of a relationship, which may explain his caution. I'm just confused because I know if a guy is really, really interested, he would call himself.


I'll play coy tonight and see what happens. I do really like him, and this bugger def has me baffled.

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Hi Sweetheart, well we will see what happens tonight. I mean, he wasn't only sending vibes though. He told me straight out when we first met that he'd like to see me again. Well, he said, "You have to make sure Jessica and Eric (his roommate) get together again, because I'd like to see you again". This is when Jessica and his roomie were first starting to date. Then the second time we ran into each other at a local pub (I was with Jessica, and she was meeting Eric), he freaked out when he saw I was there. He said to Jessica, "I didn't know she was going to be here tonight!" then he came over, bought me a drink and pretty much kept me company all night. Then when he had to go, he asked if he could call me when he returned from Korea. It's just odd to me that he hasn't called, and yet is having his friends set up stuff for him so that we'll be able to hang out again. Is this guy just really shy maybe? Playing games? I dunno. I'm just going to go and try to have a blast. It'll be a bit awkward since I won't know anybody there really, but who knows what could happen. I'll let you guys know how it turns out. Wish me luck!

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Yet he was thinking of me enough to bring me up to his roommate while he was in Asia, and beg him to set something up where we'd be able to see each other again?


Mike will def be there. Jessica said she's been requested to 'drag me out'.


Well, he said, "You have to make sure Jessica and Eric (his roommate) get together again, because I'd like to see you again".


Then the second time we ran into each other at a local pub (I was with Jessica, and she was meeting Eric),


I find all of this odd. If you see him this third time, it will still be a meeting that happened because of Jessica and Eric. And you said he previously told Eric he wants to get with you again? It sounds like he needs the others to help him set up contact with you. Doesn't he know how to contact you without the intervention of others? If it were me I wouldn't accept anymore communication from him that comes through other people. If he wants to tell you something I'd say he should call you and tell you himself. And I also wouldn't meet with him at all if it happens through the planned activities of other people. But that's just me.

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Some advice that believe it or not actualy makes sense. From a book with a not so nice title. "He's just not that into you. "

Have faith. You made an impression. Leave it at that. If he likes you, he'll still remember you after the tsunami, flood, or Red Sox loss. If he doesnt he's not worth your time, Know why? You are great. Never just sit around and wait for a guy to call. Men dont forget how much they like you. So put down the phone. You are good enough to be asked out. He's just probably not the one.

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Ok guys, here's the scoop. I went last night and he was standing far off inside a garage, talking with other people. He didn't immediately notice we'd arrived so I introduced myself around and stood out near the porch. About half an hour later, he came up and said, "Why didn't you tell me you were here?" and was really warm and friendly. He basically positioned himself right next to me and again, we talked together the WHOLE night. There were so many other girls there and he barely talked with anybody else. We had some more interesting and deep convo.


Well Jessica was getting ready to leave and she was my ride, so I told him I had to go. He said, "I could drive you home if you'd like to stay later." Well, we were having such a nice time, I stayed with him.


It was starting to get really late and we were both exhausted, so we finally left together. He asked me if I was up for hanging out a bit longer and I said, "ya". So he took us back to his place (he shares the apartment with Jessica's bf) and it turns out Jessica didn't go home either. Her car was in the driveway.


Well Mike and I stayed up in his bedroom and talked until almost 7am, (!!) and then we both passed out in his bed together. My feet were cold and he was so cute and wrapped his feet around mine to keep them warm. When we got up, he took me out to breakfast. He just dropped me off not too long ago. We made plans to have dinner tonight, and that was that.


No kissing, a bit of snuggling, all in all a nice and cosy night. I still have no idea how he feels about me but it was def comfortable being around him. If nothing else, he is very sweet and I've found a new friend. I see potential in him for more, but we will have to see what develops.


I did catch him looking at me VERY intensely during the night once, when we were at the party. I really have no idea of his true intent, but he did say he can see Eric really likes Jessica because he takes it very slow with her, and I'm wondering if he is the same way. Any thoughts, guys?

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Mmm. Sounds like it all went very well, that's what I think. Maybe he was just really nervous and unsure about how to get it started with you. But it turned out pretty nice, yes? And now maybe he thinks Eric's smooth moves are woth copying? Hopefully he's not ONLY just copying. Hopefully he's also able to think for himself.


But I'd still make him communicate directly from now on. No more going through other people to let you know how he feels, or to plan his activities with you. That's the only thing that I'd recommend.


Good luck.

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