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How to improve???

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well for a first kiss, being a four is pretty good. i mean of course if you were nervous about it to begin with you are gonna think you did terrible, when in actuallity you prolly just are thinking about it too much. i say just relax, next time don't think to much about it and that 4 will be a 5 in no time.

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She could have askd for the scaling? possibly, i know the fact that most guys wont tell it to yer face but they still do that, just like a lot of girls do. im sure it was a nerv racking experance..but its all over with, first kiss is done now put it at ease.just to let you know. most people build up the first kiss thing n it aint all its crackd up to be..but just let it go n dont buckel under pressure im sure you were fine n i dont think he was lieing about it..most guys are brutily honest.. lol good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

First kisses are difficult, I consider myself an excellent kisser, but, that first kiss with a girl is always complicated, because kissing is somewhat interactive, and unique to a person, I yet have not "gotten" a feel for her yet, but after a a couple kisses sessions, we would both be "in tune" with each other.


By the way, how did you rate his kiss? dont blame yourself for how kisses go, it takes 2 pairs of lips!

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I agree with Gilgamesh. When I first kissed a guy I liked it was horrible! Worst kissing I had ever done! I was so embarrassed! He admits it was his worst kissing he's ever done as well. I was afraid to kiss him again. Yesterday when we kissed it was 100 times better, though he tends to have a very wet mouth. Anyway...practice makes perfect, hun!

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Your first kiss is usually not your best. The easiest and fastest way to improve your kissing abilities is to just kiss more, and learn. If you know you're not good at it, next time you guys are kissing, just mimic his technique. If you can follow it pretty well, you'll get a lot better. I have never really had a problem with a bad kisser, although I will tell you this (which will hopefully encourage you): the first time the guy I am with now and I kissed, it wasn't that great. It was obvious he had no clue what he was doing, and he openly told me that this was his first non-motherly kiss. After we kissed, I was kind of afraid to kiss him again because I felt responsible for the way he kissed and was scared I was always going to fearful of this. About a month later, after the more and more we've kissed, he has turned out to be AMAZING. True. While he started out fumbling, not sure where to put his hands, etc., he is now very sensual and romantic with his kisses. It still impresses me -- plus I'm no longer afraid to kiss him, I embrace doing it. Point of the story: even if you suck now, you will more than likely get better and nail it every time. Just keep kissing.

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