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First love break ups

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I just want to know your experinces. In Your first love realitionship who broke up with who? And why did you two break up? I'm asking this because I'm starting to think in your first love relationship you don't want to break up no matter what. I geuss it's because it feels so good. Your in love for the first time and you don't want to end it because your afraid it will never happen agian.



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I can give u a teens perception. With my first love, she broke up with me. It ended up being that her friends came over and just shook their heads when they saw her and i together. SOmetimes smtg that small can do it. WIth her, i didnt stop liking her until about 7 months ago, 4.5 years after i began to like her. I didnt want to break up with her then bc i knew that i could prob never have her again.


Hope this helps!

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In my first relationship my girlfriend broke up with in my first year in college she was my first kiss too. She was the greatest girl I had ever met smart, beautiful, great personality, popular and very nice. We broke up because since I'm 18 and she was my first I felt behind everyone else in dating, so I think I tried to catch up to them. I wanted what they had not physically stuff but the emotional stuff like saying I love you after each call and hanging around each other everyday. So even though I'm a patient man I wasn't patient in trying to make her love me and thats what screwed up the relationship. She told me that I fell in love with her way too fast and she was not ready for that type of relationship. Man I'm still sad from that and its four months later. I loved her like crazy and now because of that I lost a best friend and a girlfriend because I couldn't accept just having her as a friend. I never wanted the relationship to end not because it was my first because she was the most perfect girl in the world.

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In my situation, he broke up with me because I didn't share the same religious perspective... he was Roman Catholic, and I hadn't found a religion I am comfortable with yet. So, he broke up with me... it was a stupid reason, but I respeted him and loved him, so I let him go... I still can't look at him in the same way, but he'll always have a place in my heart, as your first love will in yours.





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To give you a non-teen's perception... My first love lasted 4+ years and was beautiful for the both of us. We never fought (yeah I know I don't understand it either) we both grew together, and we always talked out our problems.


2 months ago on my birthday (her last day in town before she went back to uni) she told me she wasn't sure I was "the one". I told her that's fine... but I was crushed... It took me 3 and a half years to figure out she was "the one" for me.


She broke up to search for greener pastures as far as I can tell... She's had a couple crushes (they didn't go anywhere, I've managed to set the bar pretty high ) since then (she moved rather quickly) and still tells me she loves me. She wants to be intimate ever time we see each other but I'm not comfortable with that anymore it hurts too much.


Before she was looking for someone with "magic". She said I had "magic" but she wanted more. She wanted to know the minute she saw someone they were the perfect person for her.


I think she's dreaming but I wish her the best. Recently she told me she wasn't looking for Mr. Right anymore... she was looking for a fling. That upset me a lot. Why the hell would she want that? I don't let it bug me though it's not worth it... the next time I see her I'll just smile and enjoy the short time we'll spend together.


Hope this provides some insight.

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whatever any of ya'all do...dont fall in love on the net you have no idea how complicated it gets. thats where i first "fell in love" if you wanna call it that. i was a total idiot because i just believed her and didnt get pictures until later...*puke* and then we still met from a loooong distance (england) and she got attached so i had to find a way to squirm out of it. i honestly thought i was doing the right thing by giving her a chance...coz i thought you arent supposed to judge people by looks but umm...i have to disagree. when it comes to a relationship, LOOKS MATTER ugh, wish it never happened

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my first love....wow it was two years ago and i was stupid. he was adorable and a great kisser. i felt like i could be with him forever.

he broke up with me cause he said that i was a b-i-a-t-c-h. anyways, he came over to my house with all of his friends. said brittany, its not working out and oh yeah its over. they all started laughing. i said that is actually perfect cause the whole reason that i asked you to come over was so that i could break up with you. of course i was lying and i was crushed. it took me a year and a half to get over him. but it was worth it. bad part of it is, he lives on my street, so i had to see him everyday its okay cause now i have someone else that i wanna spend the rest of my life with. i just hope it doesnt turn out the same way. thanks for listening


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