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This is a few questions that my ex got to start thinking about because this is what we broke up over. What is love? How do you know your in love? What is the diffrence between love and a crush? And, Do you think that once your in love you will love the person forever no matter what they do?



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Love is a complicated topic these days but ill give it a try:


What is love?


My definition of love is when you will love a person no matter what they look like, no matter their wealth, social status, race, color, anything. In a sense its unconditional love.


How do you know your in love?


Trust me, you will know when youre in love. You will find a person one day and realize, after getting to know them, that they are the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with.


What is the diffrence between love and a crush?


A crush is when you like someone very much and you are infatuated, but usually you dont do anything about it. Correct me if im wrong, but in the many crushes that i have had on girls, i have never acted and/or it has never worked out. Also, if there is ever a time when u dislike the person bc of the way they look, or something like that, you are not in love.


Do you think that once your in love you will love the person forever no matter what they do?


Ugghhh....i cant answer this one, sorry.


Hope this helps!!!

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alright, i dont exactly know if i can help, but im gonna try.

someone on here(heretic) once told me that love is when you want what is best for someone, or you want them to be happy, even if its not with you. i believe him. i think that love is when you are trying to sleep, but you cant cause that person is all you can think of. its when that person makes your stomach do flip flops when he/she kisses you, or looks at you. or when you cant go even a whole day with out talking to that person.

to me that is love. it means something different to everyone. i hope this helps. and i also hope that you two can work this out and get back together. ~*much love*~

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What is love?

Love is a feeling only one would know.


How do you know your in love?


You feel overwhelmed by anything, especially the conversations that you share with each other.


What is the diffrence between love and a crush?


LOve is a feeling that developes over a period of time mininum 10 years.


And, Do you think that once your in love you will love the person forever no matter what they do?


Yes because both of you have developed trust and respect each other in such away that anything that happens is forgivible. However, if something happens that is unforgivible it should be understandible.


By then both of you should know each other in and out. Why what hapened occurred. And you begin to talk calmly.

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