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Hi everyone! Gotta question for you all

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I reciently broke up with my girlfriend as we were having problems for months. Well to be honest with you all it happened on Monday.


I have a friend that we have had relations in the past and she wants to hang out tonight(a friends with benefits thing). So let me pose the question to you all.


If you broke up with your significant other yesterday and had a chance to have some fun with a very sexy member of the other sex what would you do?


That is my problem here and I was wondering what you all thought. Ladies you too are welcome to answer this question.


Also does that make me a slime ball for doing something like this right after a breakup?

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Well I could be wrong but I think your justifying things a bit. Face it, your girlfriend wanted to hang out with a guy that you obviously know she "hooked up" with. And then she ignores your feelings by actually wanting to hang out with him and not caring what you think. This process leaves you thinking that you should do the same thing. So now you are giving yourself the oppurtunity to hook up with another girl.


Your single now. I think that you can hook up, date, have sex with anyone you want now that you don't have a girlfriend. But if your only doing this for revenge or to think that it will lessen your hurt about your g/f, then it probably won't give you the satisfaction that your looking for.

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Well, I don't think you are a slimeball. I think you are hurting. That said, I don't think it's fair to use your "friend" for sex. She may feel differently, but it seems like a girl who would do that probably doesn't think too highly of herself to be used in that way. Why not go out to dinner or a movie instead. Sex isn't the be-all, cure-all for a broken heart.

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I believe that it all has to do with your motives for hooking up with this girl, I dont know your exact reasons but you should. Its going to be a judgement call although I would be weary about putting yourself into this kind of situation seeing that you just got out of a relationship. I'm not saying that you shouldnt do it but you also need to this of the new girls motives for wanting to do this as well as your own.

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I agree with jna and tigris. As long as the both of you don't have expectations about a relationship, you can enjoy her company. I had a friend with benefits-- and when he broke up with his gf he wanted to hook up. I just made him a dinner and let him vent about his pain. Which turned out to be just what he needed. I suggest just a casual date, no sex, no strings attached. Life can be really simple without sexual encounters for a while,



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Well she is a dear friend and we have been intimate in the past. She knows that I am fresh out of a relationship and she is cool with it. I can say that we are both single and know that this is just a situation to help each other thru this lonley time.


I cannot say if we will have sex but, the possibility is REALLY good if I want it. I loved my ex and I have known that this day was coming for some time now. I guess I was kind of prepared for the break up.


My buddy and I are really close and we share everything. We enjoyed each others company in the past so why not now? She and I both know that this is probablly not going to lead into a relationship but, if that did present itself I would not be totally against it. She is a great woman and has had a rough go of it in the past few years. She deserves a good man and who knows maybe I will find in her what I never saw in my ex.

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