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Going on vacation while boyfriend is at home

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Since last summer I've began dreading going away on family vacations while my boyfriend stays home. He can come, but he can't because of work and school. If it was just Friday night through Sunday night, he could, but it's Firday morning through however long, usually into the next week.

It's just that, the weekend will come and he'll be out Friday and Saturday night... and I don't know how I'm going to be able to feel okay and enjoy my family vacation knowing he's out at some bar or out with his friends while I'm stuck in another state. Trust isn't an issue-- I just don't know what it is about this that I don't like. I don't even know, but it makes me feel so upset and I don't know how I'll get through it. I can't stay home, either-- I have to go.


So, does anyone else feel this way come time for family vacations?

I didn't always.. just last summer I started to, and now especially as he's 21. I feel like it's more time he'll have out partying as I'm not going to be around. I feel all the "what ifs" coming, and again, not about trust and it's not something I want to talk about because the issue is just being able to have my mind OFF of what he's doing while I'm so many miles away. But I keep getting the "what ifs" just simply because I'll be so far away... this is the 5th summer vacation I'm going to be on as I've been with him for almost 6 years... yet I worry and let it bother me now =\ I guess I just feel like I have to be there on the weekends... I don't want to feel like this.

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Hey, I know exactly how you feel. i have to go on a 2 week vacation and leave my bf behind too. It defenitly bothers me, but there's no way of getting out of the situatoin... whatever happeneds, happeneds. All you can do it sit back and have a good time... a BETTER time then he'll even be having. You'll be somewhere new, just injoy the experience. Keep checking up on him and calling. I know i'll be worrying too, but heck, don't worry over what you can't do anything about.

You say trust isn't an issue... well then maybe your just worried about missing out on a great party night. Either way, while your gone your boyfriend will be missing you like CrAzY and you'll be back b4 you know it. Don't let the trip go to waste. good luck

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Sound like you are just missing each other, which is natural and healthy. These periods apart will strengthen your relationship is you are able to weather them. I think it's healthy for a relationship for people to have time on their own -- it makes the other person more appealing to know that they are going out in the world and doing stuff. In other words, enjoy your vacation. You should feel happy when to hear about the great times he had and how much he missed you and vice versa. Don't sweat it; it's only a few days.

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What really bothers me is that, he's not going to be doing anything he wouldn't normally, it just means that he'll be doing those things for LONGER as I'm not going to be around... ugh. Like going to bars, and just generally being out and drinking.

But he only goes out Fridays and Saturdays, so it's just two nights (maybe even one if he stays in Friday) that I will be worried.


I guess I just don't want him to like me not being around... I thought I could stay home, so I told him that I'd like him to stay with me at my house, and he was all for it, so that must mean he'll be with me when he can, right? I'm wondering if he'll come up Friday night until Sunday night... maybe... That way I can avoid the worry There's nothing to worry about but I do worry about everything that could ever happen. =\

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