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dress style can u tell gold digger or not

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my initial question was , if a gal wears nice clothes like puma, roxy and other name brand clothing and she looks good does that make her a gold digger.they dress nice in brand clothing and have dyed hair pro done .......and get those manicures...etc whatever, i mean she has a set standard-the way she looks right, would that make her more money grubby , and is that a good way you can tell by looking at her dressing style and looks if she is a gold digger or not

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I wouldn't stereotype someone based on their appearance. Usually the best way to tell if someone is after you for your money isn't by their appearance but by ther behavior when they are with you. For instance, do they only talk about money and all the material items they want? Do they expect you to pay on every date?


Look for clues in the personality, not the appearance.




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wahahhaha the only time I've ever heard the term gold digger was when someone was talking about another person and the pickign of their nose or buttalks lol. What do you mean by gold digger cause wearing nice clothes certinly wouldn't make you a butt picker.

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No not really, it is just her likeing of that type of clothing, you forget to get those cloths she had to probably buy them, she may understand they are expensive, (even though puma and roxy are not too expensive) but she likes the stuff thats why she wears it. ask yourself this, would you wear something that is less then you can afford just so people dont think your a "Gold digger" I know I wouldnt, I wear what I love to wear. Its not about money, you should know girls man come on, they gotta look good all the time trust me though the girls that are like that which are about 2 billion most are not trying to get gold.

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ah, in search of the same answer as I. No, i don't think that is a good digger behavior. Even I have some designer's clothes, it doesn't make me anything i don't think, but is just a person whose got a choice to be fashionable or not. However, i do wonder why they like LV bags... it looks kind of stupid.

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I dont think you can tell if a person is a gold digger by the clothes they wear. If you do that then you will wont be able to tell people who have expensive taste in clothes from the actual gold diggers. The clothes they wear can be a clue but I wouldnt determine if she is a gold digger just by the clothes they wear.

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I don't think you can tell this way...people choose to invest money in certain things but that does not determine whether they are gold diggers or not.


For example, I save and put my money into cycling...clothes come after cycling, shelter and food for me so high fashion is not a priority (I dress nice, just do not seek designer label stuff). My sister on the other hand loves nice clothes and puts money into buying them...but she is not a gold digger either, she just prefers to save and put money into it.


Granted, if someone really likes nice clothes, cars and jewels and gets them from others without working for them, then possible she is in it for the money, and not the love so to speak.


Go by her general actions and views to determine her perspective, not by the clothes she wears.

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if a gal wears nice clothes like puma, roxy and other name brand clothing and she looks good does that make her a gold digger


It takes more than wearing nice clothes to be a true golddigger. While it could be one of the indicators, it alone means nothing. Humans in general want to present themselves to look their best and dressing nice (by wearing brand name clothing, hair dyed, nails, etc.) means they want to present themselves in what they perceive to be attractive. Since nobody wants to be thought of as "ugly" or "repulsive," they are only trying their best to gain acceptance among society.

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my initial question was , if a gal wears nice clothes like puma, roxy and other name brand clothing and she looks good does that make her a gold digger.they dress nice in brand clothing and have dyed hair pro done .......and get those manicures...etc whatever, i mean she has a set standard-the way she looks right, would that make her more money grubby , and is that a good way you can tell by looking at her dressing style and looks if she is a gold digger or not


lol...no. Wearing nice clothes does not make you a golddigger. It doesn't mean anything except that you can afford them. That doesn't mean you got the money from someone else.

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if a gal wears nice clothes like puma, roxy and other name brand clothing


Well, I don't think that these brands are even particularly expensive. I practically live in sporty stuff by Roxy and Nike. You can pick that crap up at any store here, so I wouldn't say that any woman wearing it would make them a "gold digger".


There are no outstanding characteristics to define whether or not a woman is a gold digger. Behaviour would probably play a much larger role.

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These are not really expensive labels, but hey maybe she can just afford to dress the way she wants and spend what she wants.


I think you should worry when she cries because you gave her a romantic card or poem instead of a diamond bracelet...stuff like that.

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wahahhaha the only time I've ever heard the term gold digger was when someone was talking about another person and the pickign of their nose or buttalks lol. What do you mean by gold digger cause wearing nice clothes certinly wouldn't make you a butt picker.


Wow never heard the term gold digger? LOL no offense but have you been living on Mars? lol

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I would consider them materialist, not necessarily a gold digger. However it does show they have more expensive tastes and are likely to attract those kind of people.


Oh one other thing, they could have bought that stuff an outlet stores or thrift stores. You really don't know where someone buys their designer stuff.

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