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A few rough days... and now I am thinking about a cat

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Quit the nightshift--- my only income because it was depressing me. I was raising money for college when I quit so my parents kicked me out because I couldn't support myself.


I have about 250 bucks in my pocket and I'm shopping for jobs................. when suddenly I pass by the Humane Society so I head in to look at the animals. My ex turned me onto cats and I love em. So I thought about adopting one and I played with a few until I found one I really liked. Really, really liked. I can have a cat in my new place. Despite the fact that I have fixed cash right now... rent due for another 200 in two weeks, I am jobless, and my parents hate cats... I can't get over this one I saw for adoption... he's 85 bucks though. Not to mention: food, water, a litter box etc. But when they let me play with this cat he just pounced on me . Anyways... the cat is 2... but he's an adult. If he doesn't sell soon the HS will probably put him down. They only keep the cats for a fixed number of months. Tomorrow I move into my new casa (with rent due in 2 weeks) and chances are slim that I may find a job quickly. But I really dig this cat.


Oh yeah I ran into my ex on the street she was driving and didn't see me. And tomorrow is the day of her birthday... a saturday night that will most likely be moving in and hanging out alone with a little blues guitar. So what do you guys think? Should I hope my loaded parents spot me a little cash to survive and just get the cat or wait?


Damn this cat rocks! Damn I miss my ex! My life feels so rushed and crazy all of a sudden... but a cat would be a wonderful roomate. It's a huge room too. And I can have cats at school.




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Well... Dave, I don't know what to tell you. Tough spot. Agree with you, animals are very loving. Its amazing how loving and accepting they are of us. And simple too. Just a little water, a little food, a little bit of play time and they just love us. Wouldn't life be much more simplier than if we weren't so complicated as humans.


First thing you need to do my friend is find a job. Any job at this point will do. Get out there and get two jobs flip burgers and wash dishes if you have to. And in the mean time apply everywhere. Go to the temporary agencies and sign up. Look for a job painting houses or doing lawns. A great place to get a job is at an old age home. They are always looking for able bodied young men to help. Pay isn't great, but its better than nothing for now.


Sit yourself down with a pen and paper. And think about what you want to do with your life. Goals. Goals Goals. Yep.... easier said than done. What are you good at? What do you like? Is education a possibility?

And while you are thinking putting paper to pen. Play some of that good blues music in the background...will help you relax and think.


Your parents just may loan you the money if they know you are responsible or you can show them you have a plan. A plan to get up and on your feet. They might even give you a place to stay if they can see you are aspiring to creating a life for yourself.


You can have your cake and eat it to. It is possible. There have to be jobs out there that you haven't thought about. Yep.... some of them might be a drag...but you might surprise yourself what you'd be willing to put up with to put food on the table. For yourself or your cat.

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I love my cat and could never imagine not having her. I adopted her when I found her stray outside. Just be sure not to adopt an animal that you are unable to care for. Overall, a cat is a relatively easy, inexpensive pet to care for. Unless of course they have medical problems- the veterinary bills are the biggest cost.


The first major cost will be neutering the animal. When I adopted my cat- I was able to pay her spaying costs at a reduced rate because she was a stray. I think the discount was offered by filling out a form from the Humane Society- but I don't remember exactly.


One thing that really bothers me is when people adopt animals but fail to get them the proper vetrinary care, especially when they have a problem.

And just like children, dogs and cats can get sick and develop health problems. For instance, my sister's 7 year-old cat recently developed diabetes, and needs insulin shots every day.


Even a healthy cat will need to be immunized and given a general check-up yearly.


If you think you can borrow money to initially get the cat out of the shelter, and then have a steady job to pay for the rest, I would say go for it and adopt the cat.


Good luck,



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Dude, if I was you, I'd make the leap of faith and adopt the kitty. You'd be doing a good thing, and what you send out comes back to you threefold.


I was in the midst of a really nasty, gut-wrenching break-up when I adopted my first cat. I had moved to an apartment that allowed pets and it was the first time I'd lived in an apt. that did. When I was at a feline shelter looking at the kitties, one stuck her paw between the bars of her cage and started tapping me on the arm as I was looking at the cat in the cage next to hers. The girl at the shelter said it was weird because this little tortoiseshell kitty was usually very shy and stayed in the back of her cage.


I figured it was a sign and took Cocoa home with me. During the ensuing break-up drama, she was one of the few things that could make me laugh. I'd be sobbing my head off, and she'd watch me for a few minutes, leave the room and then come running back in and do something really off-the-wall silly. It would've been much harder making it through that break-up without her.


I only had her for 8 months. She was about 9 years old when I adopted her and she had some underlying medical conditions that the shelter wasn't aware of and I didn't find out about until I'd had her for a while. The timing of her death was a little strange, too. She left a couple months after I'd met and become involved with the guy I would end up marrying. It was almost like she was sent to walk me through that time and once she knew I was going to be ok, she left.

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Of course ya gotta do what's right with you. . .


But I love that you've quit your depression-causing job!


And I LOVE that you're considering the 2year-old cat. I volunteered at an animal shelter for a bit and those are the hardest age to place!


And I love that you got that from your ex --I love being able to see, "They gave me ____." "Thanks ex."


I do that now with other people, too. Friend who got fired gave me love for laughing and art that I didn't know I needed in my life as much as now that he's gone.

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