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I found this little writing thingy that I wrote about life last year. I don't know if it will be of any help to anyone, but here's a shot. Bear in mind that I was 15 when I wrote it, so forgive my inexperience of certain things.




It's a funny thing isn't it? We are born, we live, we die.


To some life-form who has no knowledge on the human course of life, this would sound pretty simple. Yes, you're born, then you live, and after that we die.


If something seems so simple, then why is life so complicated.


What makes our lives troublesome? Is it our friends? Our society? Our government? Or worst of all, could it be ourselves?


Other things do contribute to the complexity of our lives, but ultimately I think we complicate our life more than anyone else can, or ever will.


Is there more depth in simplicity?


Does half the stuff we do in life even have a valued purpose? Think about everything you do in one day, if you didn't do it one day, how would your life change? Would it become more, or less complicated? If the answer is less, ask yourself why you do whatever it is that you do?


What makes you do things that complicate your life even further. Is it loyalty, selflessness, generousity? All the things we are encouraged to do, they have the possibilities to distort our own lives. So why do it?


I can almost guaruntee that there are things out there we do to please others, or to improve or own self-image. Yet, once you've accomplished that, you fail to see that as a result of your need for others satisfaction you've made you own life a whole lot harder. Now I'm not saying, don't do anything for other people, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying for one day look at every little thing you do, and question your reasons for doing it. You might be amazed at your findings.


That's enough about complication.


But keeping on the theme of analyzing what you do everyday...


I'm going to exclude talking about the way things complicate things because I've done enough of that.


But look at your day, just today. Take what you did in the morning, until what you do at night.


Was everything completely and utterly neccesary? Of course there are the things that we do for fun and entertainment, I suppose we can exclude leisure activities, however, don't throw everything you can't justify into the 'leisure' category.


From the moment you awoke, until the time you go to bed, what have you accomplished? What, today, have you done to improve your own life? Not speaking in terms of simplicity because I've done that already.


Looking on today, has your life improved, or has it done the opposite. If it has done the opposite, do you still think the day was worth living?


You're probably saying, yes, because I've learned something.


Think about what you just said, I asked you if your life improved, if you answered 'no'. Chances are you answered 'no' to my question about the day being worth your time. Not all of you, probably not even a majority but I'm sure some of you did.


The mentality of most people who experience a bad day is "I wish that day never happened, it was pointless."


Was it?


Well, let's think. What if all the days we live to experience were 'good' days?


Without a rainy day, one filled with sunshine becomes dull.


Think about that, because for every bad day you have, one day in the future will be better because of it.


Depending on where you are in your life now, or what you are dealing with, you may chose to agree or disagree with that statement. Anyways, what do I know right? I'm just a 15 year old boy.


I just think that a lot of people look at their lives wrong, myself included.


I mean, how are we sure that the course we are on in life will be the one that leads us to whatever it is life has planned for us?


Everyday we wake up and we do what we do. How do we know that this is helping us advance in life at all? How do we know that it's not holding us back?


Consider this.


A rich young man, goes to the best schools, get's an outstanding education, and get's an extremely high paying job. Lives in a fancy house and has a wife and kids whom he loves very much and vice versa.


Now look at this.


A homeless young man who was kicked out of the house by his parents and forced to drop out of school to get a job and try to support himself. He has a woman in his life whom he loves very much, and vice versa.


Surprisingly, the homeless has accepted his life, and is happy with it.


If I went to the rich man and took away everything he had, aside from things that he is bonded too emotionally, and I mean real emotion not 'I love my car, I love my house' emotion, but real feelings.


He is probably left with no more than the homeless man. A woman who loves him and in his case, children.


As shown above, there is depth in simplicity.


Assume the homeless man is completely content with his life, and he dies happy. Can you say that his life was any less-lived than the man who had all those luxuries?


Sadly, the media molds and creates this image to us that says, the meaning of life is to manifest all you can and have it for yourself, thus creating some sense of happiness.


In my opinion, the meaning of life is one that you create for yourself. After all, it is your life. I think that if you achieve what you want to achieve, and thus receive happiness and satisfaction in return than your life has achieved it's meaning.


We sometimes forget that happiness lies not within things we own, but within ourselves and the ones we love.


So to come to an end.


Capre Diem. (Seize the Day)


Pursue your goals and remember that your life doesn't need to be flashy, it doesn't need to appeal to anyone. As long as you are truly, and I mean truly happy.


Live your life, don't postpone it."

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What makes our lives troublesome? Is it our friends? Our society? Our government? Or worst of all, could it be ourselves?


I believe that truly everything is in your head. Life is what you make of it in the most true sense. Everyone sees things differently. To some, approaching a girl is like having your intestines carved out. To others, its a breeze.


People waste ALOT of time. Why do you watch reality TV shows with no purpose but brainwashing you and rotting your mind?


Many people do things not because they want to, but for approoval. This is also a waste of time because in the end youre not happy.


This, in my opinion, is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself; allow yourself to rot away in procastination and others' opinions.


I try to learn something new everyday. That's the way it should be. Every day should be spent in improvement.


Live your life, don't postpone it."


I like that alot. Good post

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  • 5 months later...

yeah this was a really good post. actually i have next weekend kind of free and was thinkin about spending some time to write something like that about my own life. or about where i am and where i want to be or what kind of person i want to be. anyways, i've gone through some kinda rough times lately and was wondering what was going on in your life when you wrote this? cuz i'm actually 15 right now. did writing this help you at all? what has your life been like in the past few years?

i definatly like the post!

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yeah this was a really good post. actually i have next weekend kind of free and was thinkin about spending some time to write something like that about my own life. or about where i am and where i want to be or what kind of person i want to be. anyways, i've gone through some kinda rough times lately and was wondering what was going on in your life when you wrote this? cuz i'm actually 15 right now. did writing this help you at all? what has your life been like in the past few years?

i definatly like the post!


I was just getting over my first break-up, and decided to just move forward with life.


Writing definitely has helped me through a lot.


Glad to say that life right now is stellar, it's actually my 11 months today! =D

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