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Interracial Dating

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God made us different for variety honey not because he felt we should only date our own. By stating that you are basically saying that God is racists and that would be blasphemist.


God made us different for variety? Are there any religious texts about this?

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Well at the end of the day, if you believe in Adam and Eve, we all came from those 2 people, thats one race right there, and God made them. We all live on the same planet, just different continents. People think about race toooo much. The only, only reason I would have against dating out of my race is because people look at it as somthing "different", like its an experiment, And in my life right now, im frankly tired of being different from everyone else. Otherwise I have no problem dating outside my race. Hey if she looks good and is friendly, im all for it.

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Everyone one is different. We are all unique individuals. And its those who try something "different" that usher in the way for changes in society.


Bottom line on race: We are all part of the only race that matters, the human race.


Rather condescending to non humans.

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I think when shy said the "only race that matters" he meant race is only important in the context that we are all human, not whether we are black, white, asian, indian etc. I'm sure as long as the man is not a vegetarian or an animal rights activist, he appreciates subhuman species as well.

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Could go an a long debate about this, but I'll just state my opinion and let it be. Other animals are not up to the level of humans in terms of evolution. They don't have the capacity for abstract thought as we do. Animals are not capable of the advancements and abilities we are. I appreciate them, but I'm not putting them as equals unless they can evolve to a higher state. But another topic, another time.

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Who cares, more importantly? I don't think twice when I see a black person and a white person together (or any other variety). Who someone chooses to date is none of my business, whether it be a person who only wants to date people of their own race, people who will only date a person of some other race, whatever it may be.


I've dated a half middle-eastern guy, a black guy, a Jewish guy, and white guys. It really doesn't matter. Choose people based on their virtues.

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I do admire boy-horsecrazy for her honesty. Even though her opinion seems racist, she is atleast honest about it. The people i cant tolerate are hypocrites, they seem ok with other people dating whoever they want but will not let that happen to their own family.

When it comes to dating and animals, i think i will just stick with the human kind

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Interracial relationships are only criticised due to tradition.


In this day and age, you'd have thought all these theories of inequality would be nonexistent.


That's my point for interracial relationships.


As for other animals:


Dogs - are encouraged to interbreed with different species of dogs so their genes become stronger to fight off disease, infection and so on.


If you look at a royal family. You will notice; because they do not often breed outwith the family. They live shorter lives and are more prone to disease and in some cases genetic disease.


It's not wrong to breed outwith your own race.

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Interesting topic.

A lot of people in my family tree are mixed ethnically, so I don't really consider myself being of any ethnic background, and as a result I like to date people of any ethnic background.


I think that people who have problems with multi-racial dating, are often people that arn't exposed to other people outside their race/whatever, and they are just scared.

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I don't care about race but I do care about how they act. Some of my black friends distance themselves from myself and my other white friends, I think because they feel that they have to live out stereotypes. I would never discriminate against someone because of something like race, but the past has had such a negative effect on peoples views of other races that it is sometimes hard to relate to someone of a different race.

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God made us different for variety? Are there any religious texts about this?


Of course not. I just meant that I believe the reason God created different people in different continents and climates was for a reason.


The reason in my opinion is that so people can one day come together, learn from another and create a new society. That being these great United States and slowing but surely Europe.


I mean you don't get any more homogenous than the good ole' US of A!

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The reason in my opinion is that so people can one day come together, learn from another and create a new society. That being these great United States and slowing but surely Europe.


I mean you don't get any more homogenous than the good ole' US of A! [/color][/b]


Sorry, but from how I interpreted what you said, you suggested that europe was backwards compared to america, but in reality it's the other way around, and i'm offended by this insult. I seem to remember only a few generations ago there were different schools and public facilities for black people and white people in america.


I'd also like to point out that in europe people of different background have been 'mixing' for a long time. I don't know to much about the subject, but i'm sure with all the european empires there was a lot of mixing. Most of the world has had european colonies at some time or another.

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God made us different for variety? Are there any religious texts about this?


Of course not. I just meant that I believe the reason God created different people in different continents and climates was for a reason.


The reason in my opinion is that so people can one day come together, learn from another and create a new society. That being these great United States and slowing but surely Europe.


I mean you don't get any more homogenous than the good ole' US of A!


Ok, but how did you derive this belief? I mean, you're entitled to believe what you believe, but it sounded like you were stating it as part of orthodox Christian doctrine.


I don't think you mean homogenous. Heterogenous seems to fit better.

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Ok, but how did you derive this belief? I mean, you're entitled to believe what you believe, but it sounded like you were stating it as part of orthodox Christian doctrine.


Nope very unofficial. I'm just looking at the way of the world and history. Each race and culture had their own beliefs and principals but through assmilation everyone is becoming more alike. I mean homogenous like all cultures are becoming like one. With a few exceptions, most societies on the planet are very similar. Think about how different are we really from the British, Irish, French etc. With each passing decade it seems all cultures are picking up on other beliefs and principals. But again this is just my random thoughts on the subject in terms why I believe God didn't mean for us to be separate.

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It may be getting closer to a homogeneous society but its not quite there yet. Again it depends on your definition of a homogeneous society i guess. If what you mean by homogeneous is that the different races do not clash with each other on a regular basis, then we are a homogeneous society.

But, different stereotypes do exist in the US, so do people who oppose inter-racial dating. Bi-racial kids do have problems in most schools in the US(especially conservative states). These are some of the practical concerns of an inter-racial relationship that people need to be aware of.

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usual definition of homogenous is of one type. with different types blended together, the word would be homogenised. but i seriously doubt you could use that word with how different ethnicities mix together in the US just yet, although I do believe it may head towards there eventually.

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usual definition of homogenous is of one type. with different types blended together, the word would be homogenised. but i seriously doubt you could use that word with how different ethnicities mix together in the US just yet, although I do believe it may head towards there eventually.


IF people open their minds and stop following traditions from family/cults and the like.

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But, different stereotypes do exist in the US, so do people who oppose inter-racial dating. Bi-racial kids do have problems in most schools in the US(especially conservative states). These are some of the practical concerns of an inter-racial relationship that people need to be aware of.


I do agree that there are a lot of people who oppose interracial dating but I'll tell you it not so the case in people ages 35 and younger. It's our parents and grandparents generation that have problems with it. Some in the 25-35 age group but not many. It's not a problem with the teens I can tell you. I read in either the Tribune or Times (in Chicago) that 65% of teens either have dated or would like to date someone outside of their race. That's a pretty high number considering less than 50 years ago interracial marriages were banned in some states.


I say date whomever you want but be responsible and teach your children accordingly.

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Yes, many young people are open to interracial dating, but alot of it depends on how much of an influence (or how much of a fight) thier parents put on them to not date outside their race. Some people do not want to harm thier relationship with thier parents so they simply do what most people do.

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