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How and When to TALK about what's going on

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I have been seeing a guy for the last two months. It has not been physical, with the exception of affection during that time such as holding hands, cuddling, etc. Everything has gone really slow and that is the way the guy I am seeing has wanted it. I have given him space because it seems like he needs it. We probably see eachother once a week since we are both so busy.


Last week, we finally kissed and it was explosive. We made out everywhere and it was incredible. Now, I feel scared and this space that I have allowed there to be freaks me out. I want to talk to him, but I am afraid. I feel like I am acting out by flirting and such with other guys instead of just admiting that I really want to be with him. I suppose it scares me. This is for real, and I do not want to step on his toes, but I do not want to get hurt either.


I suppose I need to talk to him about what I am feeling. However, I do not want to scare him or make him feel pressure in any way - as he does not respond well to that. I know he really likes me and wants to either be in it 100% or not at all... he is that type of guy. Should I even broach the subject? If so, how?

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O Okay, this shouldn't be too hard to read, but maybe difficult to do.


You two have went one step up, and it scares you. Don't let fear, cause you to do crazy things. If you're feeling him, which it seems you are, do not flirt with other guys and tease.


First, admit to yourself that you want to be with him...once you've done that...go with the flow of things. You can ease into the topic with just a simple, "I really like you."...and from there see what has happens. If you know he's feeling you, then please rest your mind that the kissing that has happened, and the strong emotion you have for him is normal, and unless he asks for it to stop, everything is fine. Just be with him...once you've engaged in kissing and what you two have done...you should refrain from the flirting and other things with other guys~*

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