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It would not be offensive to some people. People who openly indentify themselves as being gay would probably not find it offensive.


People who are not gay or do not indentify themselves as being gay would probably find being called gay offensive.


If you label anyone with something that they are not they are likely to take offense.

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If you label anyone with something that they are not they are likely to take offense.


I disagree. I'm biracial and I've been mistaken for Hispanic, Asian, "light-skinned" black, white with a nice tan, and Native American and I don't find that offensive whatsoever, nor being called gay when I am not.

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Well, when someone IS gay they in general don't take offense to it if it is meant in a correct way. People with homophobic leanings tend to take offence at insinuation only as it sets of their own "beleifs" about the term.


I DO get offended though when people use the term gay to describe certain actions, or things, such as "that is sooo gay". In my view it is associating negativity or often certain "feminities" to being gay, and it also uses the term gay in a demeaning manner. I am personally not gay, but having seen the struggles my brother has had in his life being gay himself, and his friends, I think it is just an ignorant use of the term.

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I agree with many of the posters above on why "gay" may be perceived as a bad thing. Well, looking into it out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of "gay" on link removed.


There are five definitions of gay on link removed:

1. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.

3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.

4. Given to social pleasures.

5. Dissolute; licentious.


Looking at number five, it seems the dictionary itself believes "gay" as a negative word. Dissolute and licentious basically means unrestrained by convention or morality and dissipated (wasted). Words used to described prostitues and such.


Maybe the word "gay" began as a negative word, and then later it was a word associated with gays and lesbians while many people dissaproved of their actions. And as many people know, reputations stick for a very long time.


Just a theory.

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Well, yesterday i heard on the radio, they were doing this segment on the "most ridiculous research you have ever heard of". This one girl called up and said she heard of some research where they were trying to see the correlation between lesbians and their ear size or something. Anyway, the research topic is irrelevent. What i did not get was that when the announcer asked this girl about her own ears, she said in a flabagasted shocked sort of way, "no, mine are fine", in as if to imply that lesbians' ears are wrong, or there is something wrong with you if you are a lesbian.


Ignorance... what can i say? I think there is still a public perception that to be heterosexual is 'normal' and it is if you look at it scientifically. But there is no need to be rude. If you look at anybody close enough, there is usually something that does not fit into the 'bell-shaped curve' on their bodies, so the general public really should be careful about who and what htey judge!


I personally don't see anything wrong with the 'gay' label, although i do think that sometimes people should look beyond who other people sleep with and see them as human beings.

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It depends on how its said, who says it, the tone of voice he uses, the situation...

Lets just say that there IS a huge difference between calling someone gay and calling him a goddamn faggot, or a goddamn dyke, however gay can be used as an offensive word.

However if its used in a derogative way against me i'll go off like a rocket against homophobes...

Its not in the word, its how you use it.

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