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Concerns around someone drunkenly texting my partner, and her odd reaction

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I’ll condense this down as much as possible, but there’s some weird moving parts: On NYE, I was out with with my partner and her group of friends at a concert. We had all met up at a restaurant beforehand, and after about an hour, there some gasps and whispers among a couple of her friends. This friend (let's call him Bob) had shown up at the restaurant, and apparently my partner and and he had gone on one date a couple of days before she and I got back together. She pulls me aside, seeming very concerned, and explained the situation, that nothing happened between them, it was only one date, she wasn’t interested, they commiserated over past relationships, etc. I seriously didn’t think anything of it, chalking the gasps and whispers up to some friend drama. During the show later, he was in a circle of people I was talking to, became fairly passive aggressive, shoving his face inches from mine, commenting ‘jeez man, you can’t even look me in the eye…’ (wasn't speaking to him at the time) Continued with the odd behavior as the night went on. I chalked it up to him being intoxicated, and harmless. He was around through the concert and with us all at the NYE party afterwards until the wee hours of the morning.

Anyway, and this might be TMI, but a couple of nights ago, my partner and I were being, shall we say, ‘adult’ via text, as we haven’t seen each other in a week. Out of the blue, she texts, “Omg I have to tell you a funny message I got from Bob tonight. All good nothing weird. He basically was like, give me raw feedback. But then ended up telling me he hates dating and wanted genuine feedback. But here’s the wild turn…he FaceTimed or almost dated Megan” (I had dated her for a couple of months about 5-6 years ago)”…not sure how he knew you two were connected unless she mentioned it.”

All of it, especially considering the TIMING of the comment threw me. The entire situation just seems very....off. Has my instinct ringing like an alarm. Timing, plus the odd reaction of people at the gathering, as well as everything else just makes it feel like things are not adding up in any realistic way... Stranger still: he apparently met online and was chatting with 'Megan', randomly? We live in a fairly large metropolitan city. The odds that he would by sheer chance go out with someone I dated years ago, let alone KNOW that we dated (about 5 months), admitted to 'stalking' (not sure if he's referring to her or me?) and feel the need to bring it up to my current girlfriend?

All of that coupled with the sheer bad taste of him drunkenly texting her for relationship advice, the fact that she says they don't really know each other, yet she’s committing to helping him with his dating life, the gasps on NYE, adds a layer of questions to the whole thing. The whole thing has me twisted, and I’m really trying to make sure I’m not feeling odd for no reason. But I also didn’t want to ignore my gut.

So I asked if we could talk about it because things didn't seem to make sense, and I felt like I might not have the full story. And it was a bit of a mess. I made a point not to make any accusation; just state that the situation seemed strange. She was instantly defensive and combative, and it was mostly a conversation around her saying I was accusing her of something, instead of my wanting to talk with her about my concerns. Circles and circles struggling to get her to even hear that I find a one-time-date friend-of-a-friend drunkenly reaching out for feedback on his dating strategies, while contacting my ex of 5 years and passing that along to my current partner (he literally said ‘I was doing a bit of stalking’ 🤨) more than a bit…strange. I had hoped it would have been more sympathetic if we both had the same information, but it was a lot of my trying to explain that I wasn’t looking to her to explain what she didnt know, and wishing she could see it from my point of view, and think about how she would feel in a similar situation.

Anyway, after an hour+ of trying to justify why I was feeling a bit unsettled about the entire situation, I said “I really wanted to make sure I wasn’t giving in to emotional reflexes, so I ran it by a couple of people, and they agreed that the situation was worth bringing up.” I think that was a crossing of the Rubicon, as she ended the conversation fairly quickly after that.

There's been a couple of conversations since then, and each has been worse than the last. Usually ending with half-hearted apology followed by her saying things like "there isn't just my behavior" and "it takes two to tango".

I'm not jumping to any conclusions, I'm just confused by EVERYONE'S behavior. Am I out of line for having some questions around the original situation? And idea why she would be so defensive (we typically talk issues through very well, and are considerate to each others feelings)? Why would she even start the conversation with 'all good, nothing weird'? Should I be MORE concerned? Less? Definitely in the weeds here... And damn, sorry for the loooong post...

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It all seems strange, yes, and I would agree that you don't have the full story. 

However, this is the part that would give me the most pause now: 

1 hour ago, Anton026 said:

she’s committing to helping him with his dating life

No. Just no. She should have drawn the line and sent him on his way to someone else for dating advice. Does she still plan to keep in touch with him? 

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I honestly have no idea. Her explanation is 'he's harmless' and 'part of the social circle'. He now seems to be present at any and all social gatherings and nights out. Again, she says he's 'just a friend of a friend' and they only had one date. But that in itself seems like odd behavior to get involved in their romantic life. Especially considering his behavior towards me.

So whether or not they keep in touch, he's going to be around a lot. And that didn't phase me until the out of character reaction to just wanting to talk about it. Not demanding a 'no contact' ultimatum; just wanting to express my concerns and questions. Not sure how to proceed without being the 'jealous and overreactive' boyfriend...

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11 minutes ago, Anton026 said:

Not sure how to proceed without being the 'jealous and overreactive' boyfriend...

It's not jealous and over-reactive to state your boundary that personal contact from him to her makes you uncomfortable. She needs to preserve the integrity of your relationship. 

Why did you two previously break up? Context might help here. 

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Absolutely. I ended the relationship over a year ago, as I was struggling with a lot of things, and felt as if I wasn't showing up as a good partner. I didn't feel it was fair to ask her to hang on as I got things shorted out (I take full responsibility for this poor and inconsiderate decision). After about 10 months, (and apparently about a week after her date with Bob) we reconnected, had some very open, heart to heart talks, and really dedicated ourselves to working through things together.

I've been extremely forthcoming and apologetic for what I consider selfish behavior at the end of what we call "1.0". Since then, we've been together for 5+ months, and it's been bliss. Which is why this behavior seems so off to me. She's never exhibited this defensiveness and avoidance, even when we've had similar conversations with positions reversed.

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I've been in this situation countless times in my youth.  If she said that they went on one date, solid chance it was true.  Because if they had hooked up, he would be much more cooler with you because he got a taste.  I think he is trying to engage in a pissing match with you and planting seeds of doubt, to which I would highly recommend to "go high," instead of taking it out on your girl.  Some dudes are really just a dime a dozen; this guy is no different.

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Thanks for the feedback. Definitely not wanting to take it out on her; made very sure not make any accusations, or do anything other than ask to talk about it as I felt like I was missing some information. Little things came out in our therapy session: it wasn't just one date and they agreed they weren't in the mode to date, like she had said. He actually asked her out again for a second date. Also she stated in our session that "this circle of friends has very porous boundaries... I mean it's not like they're all having group sex..." That one took me by surprise, and of course didn't get any clarification around.

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You maybe wont like what I have to say. But you have every right to be mad at the situation. Some guy she went out is a part of her company? That is an instant red flag. Further more him showing up to your face warranty that you never talk to him again and even say to your woman that she shouldnt do the same. Its disrespectful to you. And I would even maybe reacted way more agressive to some yoko going to my face. Further more, her even messaging him is another red flag. No boundaries at all. And further even from that, she has a problem with you not being comfortable with some ex of hers who has either slept with her or is trying to do it? And even is combatative about it? F that, boot her to the streets where she belongs. Let her and Bob(sounds like a Twin Peaks villain lol) do whatever they want. But without you in the equasion. 

Some people lack boundaries. And think you as their partner should be comfortable with that. Even though she would probably throw a ceramic plate at you if you paraded your ex date Megan in front of her and make her hang out with you as a couple. So again, just boot her to the streets. Trust me, you would be more happier with somebody who actually respect you. 

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Clearly she doesn't want you to find out about something.  What that is only she knows and by her behavior she isn't going to tell you no matter what angle you come at her.

I don't see that you did anything wrong and nothing to warrant her reaction so stop apologizing.

 I seriously doubt you are going to dump her over this at the moment so let it drop and I mean totally.  Do not apologize, do not tell her you are letting it go or anything, simply stop bringing it up or asking anything.  Then sit back and watch and listen with your antennas all the way up.  With that large of a social circle the truth will come out, someone will slip up or ramble on after a few drinks and the puzzle will start to go together. 

Also when you suddenly stop it will make her nervous making her wonder if you know something of if you are going elsewhere for the information.  In the meantime steer clear of Bob, sounds like he is trying to cause problems between you two. 

Play the long game, be smart and watch for clues.  In the end her actions will show you all you need to know.


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How old are you all? Not that you have to stop group partying altogether when you begin to live more mature lives as time goes by. But yeah, when you decide to be in a serious relationship, usually your leisure time evolves into something that doesn't compromise the sanctity of your union. The regular partying with the gang usually lessens, and there is more of double dates and maybe having your few closest friends over for meals and to go on mini trips with. 

Instead of trying to mold yourself into a man who should not be uncomfortable with you partner texting anybody she wants to, regardless of a past romantic partner or a new guy buddy, be real with yourself about your comfort levels because women actually exist who will share what relationship boundaries you would prefer.

Really, you should always have a discussion when considering whether or not to become exclusive with someone. Better late than never. What boundaries would you like about communicating with the opposite sex?  Perhaps you're okay with someone who's been a childhood friend, but not an ex love interest. Whatever the rules, tell her yours and see if she is willing to abide by the same. If not, this relationship will be full of upsets and trust issues.

She is choosing an ego boost or whatever nonsense she gets from this guy over your discomfort. She expects you can enjoy yourself with some blowhard trying to rile you in this "friend" group? Sorry, but that's messed up and she only cares about herself. She doesn't have it in her apparently, to be the caring partner you deserve.

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