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I made contact...felt it was time...

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Well, I decided to make contact my ex...it has been a few months. (I initated no contact) Here is what I wrote....


Hi xxxx,


>How's things? I know your probably wondering why I am writing you, but I

>figured, we have to talk again sometime, and I felt the time was right. If

>this comes as an unwelcome surprise, then I am sorry. I genuinely hope all

>is well with you. You must be excited to be finishing up school. Do you

>think you will go back to teaching in the fall or explore other

>opportunities? Whatever you do, I am sure you will be fine. You have to do

>what is best for you and what makes you happy, I know that first hand. I am

>still working at xxxxxxx and am really enjoying it. The management hopes

>to make me permanent in the near future, there are just a few obstacles in

>the way, but I am confident everything will be ok. I also just started

>working a few weekends at xxxxxxx. You have been there before.

>I work the door there, it's cool...easy, money. I was out for my birthday on

>Saturday nite and met the most random person...your friend zzzzz. She came

>up to me and started talking to me, I am surprised she even knew who I was.

>I was a bit drunk due to the birthday, so don't recall too much of the

>conversation, but it was random to say the least. How is your family? I hope

>all is well, even the situation with your dad. Hopefully he smartedened up.

>Everyone here is doing really well...yyyy is doing fine, my mom said you

>called to see how he was, he appreciated it. Looks like I am moving out

>later this month. I am getting an apartment in zzz, same building as

>xxx. Rent is relatively cheap and it is a nice place. Looked and looked

>into owning something, and around this area it is just way too difficult. I

>know, I know, you say I should just stay home and save, but I can't stand

>being cooped up in my little room anymore. I need some independence. Moving

>out will also make me save believe it or not. Well, that is all I can really

>think of for now...if you want to chill sometime, call me. 731-4328. TTYL




She wrote back 5 minutes later...here it is


HI xxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooo happy that you wrote me! I am so glad to hear how your doing and whats new in life! I will write more later and yes if you wanna hang out we can if you are ok with it!!!! zzzz told me she saw you. It was weird cause I actually called her that same nite askign her to go out with me cause I went ot hang out with yyyy! Yeah I was scared to call your mom cause I promised i would leave you alone but i really needed to knwo if zzzz was ok cause my mom got nervous when she didnt see yoru dad this past sat. I am subbing in a class right now so i will write later or call but I dont know your cell phone number?? ttyl!!!



What do I do when she calls and how should I go about meeting her.....I will definitley not bring up anything regarding relationships, her Bf, etc....I just have to make her feel goog when we hang out or talk. Any advice?

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One thing you must keep in mind: It's not about how you feel, it's about how you make her feel. You can love her to death, but that has no impact on getting her to want you. My advice to you right now is to feel her out, be able to read her body language, deliver some emotional fulfillment, then see how she reacts after you withdraw.

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