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Have you ever felt like giving up?

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Have you ever felt like giving up? When the purpose of life has vanished? When life has no meaning? When nothing you do seems to be satisfying? Motivation is lacking and the point starts to fade?


How do you overcome this? How can one rebound from an overwhelming feeling of not so much self pitty but more so the undeniable and unbearable attack of boredom and hammering question of 'why?'


Has anyone felt like giving up on themselves? on love? on...life?

What do you do to avoid succumbing to the ever relunctant feeling of helplessness? Not so much driven to the point of suicidal thoughts but just giving up on dreams and trying to be someone. Whether this is brought on by sheer boredom, lack of love and companionship, or things just becoming too hard............what do you do?

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Hi CJ,

I can identify with what your going through. It wasnt to long ago where i posted under the tile of anyone just not care anymore. am recently divorced and struggled getting through the heart of it all. But i do have days where everything seems meaningless. Not suicidal either, just that why bother maintaining friendships, and such.


Posting here helps, just knowing this e community of caring people exists so ican complain about my life that is not so bad compare dto those who have much less than i do. It is okay i think to feel this way sometimes, it helps to build that inner muscle of hope and self confidence. Keep reaching for the stars... it does not matter if you ever touch them, just trying is what counts.


Be well,


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Yes I have and its currently going rite now... I dont really know what life has to offer me rite now. Yet im graduating this year and off to college, High school is ending badly.

My gf of 5 months broke up with me, then hooks up with my friend 4 days later. I get some support from my friends, saying you'll find someone better etc. but i dont see them standing up for me since she hooked up with my friend. They also knew it happened and didnt tell me. They gave me the reason "oh we dont mean to hurt me" (sounds like crap).

basically im alone now. My cell phone rarely rings now, I feel kinda betrayed in a way.

Its been difficult rebounding. I feel happy one moment then sad and depressed the next. My motivations in its all time low, even with finals coming up..

What did I do?

Try to keep my time occupied as much as possible. Work on hobbies, watch movies, Video games etc. Its so difficult thougt cause sometimes these activities remind me of what we did together.

I tell myself, it isnt gonna be like this forever. One day the pain, sadness will pass and things will be alrite again. College will open many doors.


Hope this helps

take care

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Throughout life, you'll travel many different roads. As they turn, bend with them, or stand against them. One way or the other you'll fall...but will always be able to stand once more.


A close friend told me that ^ during one of my hard times, and really, it helped. It reminded me that YOU have the option to stay down or get back up and try again. I've been through depression because of my frequent family troubles and changes, and yes, I did come to a point where I just felt like giving up on everything. It felt like: what's the use of even trying anymore if all its going to do is hurt in the end, you know? But you have to remember...you're given one life, and what you do with it is up to you. You can either sulk and be down all the time, or you can go out there and try to cheer yourself up and be happy. Only you can make you happy.



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CamaroJoe :


Yes, I still feel like giving up on life, relationship etc. I feel like nothing is working out and even though I wake up every day that it is another day to struggle. I have a temp job(Which I hate) and no money, and of course the ex. However since I have done the disappearing act from my last job we will see how my ex reacts or not.


I have the triple effect. It is hard on the weekends. Do I feel like giving up yes because why does anyone care? There is no point and I feel worthless and no hope on anything. It is not the greatest feeling even though I have heard so many lines, Oh it will get better, there is light at the end of the tunnel, I am crazy to hang on this long about the ex, once you end you life you will hurt everyone else(don;t see how when they don;t care) etc.


I have heard it too many times and I getting sick of it. Life right now is a big struggle and just want to end it all.

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