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Hey people,

Im 13 but im quite mature for my age. I recently began dating this girl that goes to my school. I dont know if shes been kissed yet or if she wants to be kissed. Ive had my first kiss and kissed a few other times but nothing more than a peck. I really like her and i dont want her to think im not self confident in asking her if i can kiss her but i dont want to kiss her if she doesnt want to be kissed. I need advice on what to do and if there is anything more creative than "Can I kiss you?"

Thanks for any and all help



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Wait until the moments right, just the two of you preferably somewhere quiet and peaceful. Take her hand, look in her eyes, smile. Some will say you should just look at her like you really care about her and lean in. If she doens't pull away, kiss her. I think it doesn't hurt to say something like "(insert name) I really like you. you are so amazing, beautiful. i want to kiss you, but i don't want to do something that your not ready for."


Also, don't plan it do much. Just go with the moment.

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Wait until the moments right, just the two of you preferably somewhere quiet and peaceful. Take her hand, look in her eyes, smile. Some will say you should just look at her like you really care about her and lean in. If she doens't pull away, kiss her. I think it doesn't hurt to say something like "(insert name) I really like you. you are so amazing, beautiful. i want to kiss you, but i don't want to do something that your not ready for."


Also, don't plan it do much. Just go with the moment.


No offense, but if anyone said that to me I would roll over laughing. XD Come on, shysoul.. assuming his gf is 13 also. If you had a gf who was 13, and you said something like that to her.. what do you think she would do? I'd be like what the XD and i'm 16. 8-)

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Well, if I had a girlfriend who was 13 someone would be coming to put me in jail. Thats a little young considering I'm 22.


Ok, maybe that wasn't exactly how to phrase it, but you get my drift. It's in the mood, the setting. Soft words of love, its romantic. Maybe it takes a special type of person to fully appreciate what I'm getting at.


Ok, you would roll over laughing. Well, that takes care of any awkward tension or nerves. Now that you've been silly, had a good laugh, theres nothing left then to just kiss. Play it off as a joke. See, be adaptable. If you get the kiss, its all good.

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Hey little man. uhh, I would say (well at that age) just go for the kiss. Got nothin to lose


Besides if that is u in the pic, your a cute kid. Typically girls wanna kiss, but they don't know you likem... so saying that "hey (name) I like you" is a good way to do it.


I say "Look I like you, and to tell you the truth I really wanna kiss you right now."


If the girl is worth your time she will kiss you .... if not... don't bother, she ain't adventurous that means





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Im sure that she has been kissed before im 14 and the only people that i know that havent been kissed are the weird people and the how do i put it no so good looking.


Hey Shorty, that's a pretty ignorant thing to say. So I'm weird and ugly? A lot of people haven't kissed at that age. I've had a bf, but I didn't feel comfortable kissing. Does that make me 'weird'? No, it makes me shy.


Is that you in the picture? You look so little. I don't think it's very safe for you to be putting your pic for your avatar. Honestly, it'd be weird hearing, "(insert name) I really like you. you are so amazing, beautiful. i want to kiss you, but i don't want to do something that your not ready for."




And even,"I really wanna kiss you." Seems funny, I'd say just go for it. I don't think she'd slap you. Because if you ask that puts her on the spot, and it's just too awkward with all that other stuff.

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the only people that i know that havent been kissed are the weird people and the how do i put it no so good looking.


Very ignorant thing to say. Who are you to be calling people weird and saying they don't look good? You do realize that some people probably think you are weird and aren't that good looking, and you have kissed. Don't be so quick to judge people, those who haven't kissed probably think more of it then just some kiss. It means more to them and they are waiting until the right time.


Honestly, it'd be weird hearing, "(insert name) I really like you. you are so amazing, beautiful. i want to kiss you, but i don't want to do something that your not ready for."


Ok, I think a first kiss would be kind of awkward anyways. What's so weird about saying how you feel? I mean, your calling her amazing and beautiful, you are telling her you like her, and you are saying you want to kiss her. I would think a girl would like to hear something like that. Ever noticed couples saying 'I love you" before they kiss? It's not like they need to, they should already know they love each other (or else the relationship is in danger ) and they can kiss each other whenever they want... yet they still say it. Saying something sweet and romantic can heighten the moment, the thrill. Maybe the reason it seems weird isn't because of what the person says, but because so few guys are willing to say it that it is unexpected and you don't know how to react?

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It's a tough thing at the age of 13, no doubt. I had mine at the age of 13, in 7th grade, with a 14 year old girl who had kissed other guys before..


I waited a long time, but when the moment was right i was nervous as hell, made my move nd it turned out to be a great time for it. Fact is, at thirteen, just use ur judgement.. If you think its a good time.. try.. see what happens.

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Ah, thats why I couldn't get a kiss at that age, I was thinking ahead. Too mature for the girls my age, too young for the girls who thought like me. That's fine, they missed out.


elila, like your sig. Remind me not to compliment you.

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If you want the girl to swoon for you wait until the two of you are along, give her a big flashy smile, wait until she smiles back and say "Hey there baby, that's one helluva fine smile ya got there. Care to share it with me" in a heavy Barry White voice while leaning in, making sultry eye contact and licking your lips like a dog on meat.

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Im sure that she has been kissed before im 14 and the only people that i know that havent been kissed are the weird people and the how do i put it no so good looking.


That's more then ignorant, it's straight out offencive. Are you sure you're not trying to convince yourself something there, that you're better then people who haven't kissed, because simply you aren't.

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elila, like your sig. Remind me not to compliment you.


WHAT! You like my sig!? So now you're gonna go gossiping about me to other enotaloners? Oh, you're gonna be sorry...




If you want the girl to swoon for you wait until the two of you are along, give her a big flashy smile, wait until she smiles back and say "Hey there baby, that's one helluva fine smile ya got there. Care to share it with me" in a heavy Barry White voice while leaning in, making sultry eye contact and licking your lips like a dog on meat.


Ha! That'd be awesome. I love funny guys- do that!

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WHAT! You like my sig!? So now you're gonna go gossiping about me to other enotaloners? Oh, you're gonna be sorry...


Elila, please don't hurt me... I didn't mean it. What I meant to say was I hate your sig. Oh wait, you'll probably be mad at me for that to. Hmmm... maybe you really can't win with women.


I love funny guys- do that!


Well, I was trying to go for sweet and romantic, but I can do funny to. But Barry White is so cliche, so overdone. Let's see... how about you serende her with as many songs that feature the word kiss as you can think of. I'll start you off: "This Kiss" by Faith Hill, "Kiss me" by Sixpence nonethe Richer, "It's in his kiss" (that's where it is ).


Or see how many times you can "accidently" say the word kiss while you are with her. She should get the message.


Hey, pretend to choke and say you need mouth to mouth resiciatation.


Oh, I have a million ways of getting a kiss, if only you girls would wake up and pay attention.

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