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What does it mean if my crush stares at me with a stern looking face

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5 hours ago, Jayden said:

Im so confused and scared that he probably does not like me and i just need some advice 😭

How do you know each other? Do you work or go to school together?

How old is he? Are either of you in other relationships?

"Stern face" is quite subjective and may have nothing to do with you.

It's better to know where you stand with someone and that means unless a guy asks you out specifically, assume you're just friends.

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Don't look at him and simply look away.  I do a stern face in situations where I do not want the person to approach me or to approach any closer.  He may want you to know for sure that he doesn't like that you're staring/looking at him and wants you to stop.  For example I use a fitness center where the treadmills are next to each other.  The "etiquette" is you do not talk to or engage the other person except in rare situations or "oh just taking the remote control, thanks".  If someone on the next treadmill kept looking over at me I would adopt a stern or firm look on my face to show - I don't like it- give me my space.  

I wouldn't be scared.  He might be concerned about you looking at him/checking him out and wants to make sure you stop ASAP.

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