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My relationship with loneliness

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Every time that i didn't want to talk or approach to people i thought that i was just making excuses for keeping me lonely and with low social interactions and maybe this was true at that time, but now i am feeling more comfortable with loneliness than never. Sometimes i did have desire to meet new friends, talk to a girl or just keep in touch with old friends but now these feelings are gone, it's like i am embracing loneliness in a way that i have never experimented and i am feeling totally ok with that, there is so much peace when you are alone that you don't want to get out of there, as i said i don't feel like meeting new people or have conversations anymore, and i am accepting this emotions more than be worried about them.

My therapist once asked me if its the people who excluded me or if it was me, i replied that it could be me, but i realize that is a mix of both, i don't know if i have resentment with others, or i am being pridefull but either way i am okay with how i am feeling, not that i want to change this or enhance it, not worried or happy, just curious about it, i wanted to share this and know if anyone has passed throught this "phase" or if you have experimented something similar

If this sounds too much like i am becoming antisocial i don't think so, i believe that no one is really antisocial completely, everyone needs and seeks for even a minimum of social interaction and i am not an exception, if someone approaches me to say hello or have a little talk i'll be fine with it, what i mean to say is basically that i don't have much will of interacting or talking to anybody anymore

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I agree that human beings are by definition social animals. I think it's perfectly okay to be okay with being lonely. Often, being alone has negative connotations, people hardly ever discuss the positive side of loneliness, especially in modern times, when it seems nearly impossible to be completely lonely due to social media. A lot of famous and not famous intellectuals and authors have written a lot of literature on the importance of loneliness to the creative process. 

It sounds like you're in therapy and doing all the work and seem pretty content with things. If that's the case, I wouldn't overthink it. You'll make friends when you want to. If it is a situation where you've been self-isolating for a period of several years without any real human interaction, I would worry and start trying to push yourself beyond the boundaries to meet new people, etc. 

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You could be more of an introvert and that's okay.  Some people prefer the 'peace' over feeling 'drained' by people around them.

I am like this, but I do still go for a coffee now & then with a friend.  I also get out every week to shop. So that's a little interaction 🙂 .

I feel, as long as you don't totally isolate yourself for good, as that can cause some negative effects.

Re: not knowing if you really have 'resentment' towards other's, is something you can work through with your therapist.  Good on you to do this, I found it helpful! 

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