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More attatched than your partner?

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Does anyone else relate to being a little more attatched to a relationship then the other half?


With a lot of thought, I have realised that the reason I have been getting so upset over certain things within our relationship was because I felt I was putting more effort into the relationship than my boyfriend. At first I was angry at him, then I was sad that perhaps he wasn't as happy as I was with "us".


Finally I have come to the conclusion that it is not in a bad way at all. He never shows any signs that he is not happy with me. In fact, he seems very content, and he tells me this also. His personality just is a lot stronger, and he does not rely on me as much as I rely on him. Because of my low self esteem, I perhaps rely a little too much of my happiness into him, and I probably depend on him a little too much also.


This may prove to be hard at some times, me coming to terms with feeling a little out of place - but perhaps there is a positive here. My best friend is very dependant on her boyfriend..... but he also is not very independent; so together they can be inseperable. I don't think their relationship is a healthy one.


Now I see that opposites can balance one other out. Hopefully now I understand this, it will help me to be more independent.


Now I just have to remember this when I start feeling insecure about things!

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Because of my low self esteem, I perhaps rely a little too much of my happiness into him, and I probably depend on him a little too much also.


I think you've hit the nail on the head here already. Concentrate on what makes you happy outside the relationship. Things that don't depend on your partner. Then you'll be on the right track.

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