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How to get someone to love you?

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7 hours ago, Batya33 said:

You can’t and shouldn’t try.

^ I agree with that statement.  I don't think you can "make" someone love you.  If they don't have that feeling towards you (or anyone else), then no matter what you do, it won't change what they feel.  No matter what good qualities, how kind etc, if they don't feel it, it ain't gonna happen (imo).  You may maintain a kind friendship and care for the person, but if the feeling of love isn't there, it's not going to magically appear. (In this particular case, I speak from experience, lol).

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In my humble opinion, if you're trying to "get someone to love you", you're going about it all wrong.

Your goal shouldn't be about trying to force feelings out of someone, or trying to see if you can make them fall in love with you. 

Love should be created by two individuals who start off slowly, get to know one another.

Find common interests, common point of views, compatibilities, friendship and romance.

Spending time with one another, a lot of time.

Learning how the other person works, good, bad and indifferent. Seeing how they live and how they deal with life (in all areas),  and if it's compatible with how you live, how you deal and if the combination works well together.

Creating memories together, finding happiness together, finding out if you do match in the most important areas.

Somewhere along the way, through laughter, excitement, tears, comfort and everything in between, love will be found.

But it should be a happy surprise, a creation born out of all the time spent together between two souls that just found more good above anything else.


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