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Any advice on my mental health? (tw)

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(tw: mentions of divorce/suicidal thoughts/attempted suicide/diet)

My mental health has been bad ever since 7th grade, I would brush it off but now it is really affecting me. Everyday it worsens. I would be get help for it but I don't want to seem selfish since my parents are going through a divorce and I don't want them to drop everything and have all of their focus on me. I have developed suicidal thoughts recently and about 2 weeks ago I tried to kill myself through asphyxiation, I bailed out of fear. I don't want to die but at the same time I do. I some times feel like my family and some friends would benefit through that which I know is a big lie. I haven't eaten a lot because of stress of school and other things going on at home. I feel more weaker as the days pass. I have no one to really go to because my friends are either busy, grounded, or have stopped talking to me. Any advice on what I should do? I'm desperate at this point.

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Asking for help is NOT selfish and you should be a priority in your parents' lives whether they are married or not. Please ask for help immediately, this is important and so are you. Tell them now. Do not wait. And feel free to post here anytime, we are here to listen. But you need professional help immediately. Do not wait. 



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1 hour ago, sis_fata said:

Everyday it worsens. I would be get help for it but I don't want to seem selfish since my parents are going through a divorce and I don't want them to drop everything and have all of their focus on me.

Ohh, please do not think of things this way... Your parents are there for you.. always ❤️ .  I would have tried best way possible to help my kids out, even if going through a divorce.

Inform them of how low & mentally challenged you feel and that you DO need some help.. Usually with someone in this condition, struggling and all you've been doing ( self harm) you can get into a metal facility or hospital to get analyzed and watched.. There, they can get you seen by a psychiatrist, set up for meds and a 'follow up plan', for when released.

Please do this asap.  They will help you.. as long as they know of this going on with you.

Take care

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4 hours ago, sis_fata said:

. I have developed suicidal thoughts recently and about 2 weeks ago I tried to kill myself through asphyxiation,

Call a suicide hotline. They will listen to you carefully and direct you to the resources you need.

Don't worry about your parents. Call a hotline or go to an ER.

Many people who contemplate suicide don't want to die. They just want the overwhelming pain to stop.

There's help for you. You don't even have to tell your parents.

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My heart goes out to you, and I'm sorry about your stress and your folks.

Getting help is not selfish, it's one of the smartest and kindest things you can do.

Seeking help from a professional actually relieves both you and your family of a burden, because it allows someone who is trained in this stuff to offer you some options while still allowing you to choose how they can best help you.

If you're like most people, you don't know HOW to go about getting help, or you're too afraid to approach someone you know.

That's why calling a suicide prevention hotline is a great idea. They can ask just enough information to find the right help for you.

Write more if it helps, we're on your side.

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