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Girls recorded tiktok while many girls were changing

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Ok, this started when this girl, a year younger than me, skips into the locker room area with her filming a TikTok. I usually don’t mind as long as they are backed up on a wall or something. But this girl did the usual cute face at the start then put the phone down and started dancing while a friend joined. In a different part of the locker room these other girls have a Polaroid camera taking a picture against the wall. The girl originally in with the phone had already started changing. But the camera had done a flash and she had saw it and yelled “don’t take pictures guys, violation of privacy!” I literally got so mad “hypocrite!” I thought. And I yelled “well maybe you shouldn’t be filming a TikTok while we’re changing!?” She looks at me dead in the eyes and says “ well no one asked you!?” I got more fed up with her and said “Sorry, guess you didn’t notice cause your lashes are too thick” and I just closed my locker and headed for the teacher ‘cause I’m about to hit this literal 5 year old. I told the teacher and she said “ok I’ll deal with it” apparently she did not. So after pe, the girl comes back to that area giggling and quoting the words of the teacher “She said she isn’t going to do anything” I was actually pissed. So I left and the girl with the Polaroid camera was raving about how it was taken away. I went up to her and told her the story and she said “no wonder, those girls don’t like us for some reason so that’s why they said it when they were doing something 8 times worse!” I didn’t really know if it was worse but I still agreed with her. I go into the cafeteria with my friends and only about 20 students eat inside while everyone else is outside. I notice she walked in but with someone in particular, My bully. My bully constantly glares at me and tells me I’m not worth any love. That was a while ago though, she’s ignored me lots now and I’m fine with that. But the TikTok girl had told my bully and now she started glaring at me again. I’m honestly not intimidated by her glaring but I am by the fact that all of those girls are notoriously known for beating up others. And with any fighting at school they will have to call a parent and I don’t even tell my parents about school besides my grades. My reason being cause they are strict and despise getting calls from school that aren’t about how “exceptional” I am. Anyways after lunch, my bully, sits in the row in front of me. And as soon as class started she glared and said “Why did you snitch on $&@;€?!” And I’m like already pissed at her so I said “she shouldn’t record  in the first place.” She immediately responded with “well it was none of your business anyways” I just yelled at this point “well it is when my naked body is included.” After that she rolled her eyes as if I’ll get intimidated by that. And the class was doing really good. Although I look at she’s actually glaring at me like a street dog seeing someone with food. I don’t know if I will get any advice. But I’d just like to know if what I did was right. And if the teachers were being too lenient on the TikTok girls.

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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

Yeah, standing up for yourself was right. Don't make it easy for those girls to intimidate you. Make them wonder if it's worth the trouble. Also, I think the teacher was too lenient. You should have gone to the principal's office. Pedophiles are real.

Thank you! 🙏 Many of my friends agree with the fact that knowing the girls are fight-prone at school, that the teachers should have done something more. One of the girls literally has a bruise on her cheek from the last fight. And the girl literally had no reason to tell my bully unless she was mad or scared to be honest.

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7 hours ago, Targeted student said:

Ok, this started when this girl, a year younger than me, skips into the locker room area with her filming a TikTok. I usually don’t mind as long as they are backed up on a wall or something. But this girl did the usual cute face at the start then put the phone down and started dancing while a friend joined. In a different part of the locker room these other girls have a Polaroid camera taking a picture against the wall. The girl originally in with the phone had already started changing. But the camera had done a flash and she had saw it and yelled “don’t take pictures guys, violation of privacy!” I literally got so mad “hypocrite!” I thought. And I yelled “well maybe you shouldn’t be filming a TikTok while we’re changing!?” She looks at me dead in the eyes and says “ well no one asked you!?” I got more fed up with her and said “Sorry, guess you didn’t notice cause your lashes are too thick” and I just closed my locker and headed for the teacher ‘cause I’m about to hit this literal 5 year old. I told the teacher and she said “ok I’ll deal with it” apparently she did not. So after pe, the girl comes back to that area giggling and quoting the words of the teacher “She said she isn’t going to do anything” I was actually pissed. So I left and the girl with the Polaroid camera was raving about how it was taken away. I went up to her and told her the story and she said “no wonder, those girls don’t like us for some reason so that’s why they said it when they were doing something 8 times worse!” I didn’t really know if it was worse but I still agreed with her. I go into the cafeteria with my friends and only about 20 students eat inside while everyone else is outside. I notice she walked in but with someone in particular, My bully. My bully constantly glares at me and tells me I’m not worth any love. That was a while ago though, she’s ignored me lots now and I’m fine with that. But the TikTok girl had told my bully and now she started glaring at me again. I’m honestly not intimidated by her glaring but I am by the fact that all of those girls are notoriously known for beating up others. And with any fighting at school they will have to call a parent and I don’t even tell my parents about school besides my grades. My reason being cause they are strict and despise getting calls from school that aren’t about how “exceptional” I am. Anyways after lunch, my bully, sits in the row in front of me. And as soon as class started she glared and said “Why did you snitch on $&@;€?!” And I’m like already pissed at her so I said “she shouldn’t record  in the first place.” She immediately responded with “well it was none of your business anyways” I just yelled at this point “well it is when my naked body is included.” After that she rolled her eyes as if I’ll get intimidated by that. And the class was doing really good. Although I look at she’s actually glaring at me like a street dog seeing someone with food. I don’t know if I will get any advice. But I’d just like to know if what I did was right. And if the teachers were being too lenient on the TikTok girls.

This makes me angry.

What she did could be taken to the police. No, I'm not kidding. It was really serious what she did and far from funny.

The jerk telling you, you're not worthy of love, who is she to judge others and make statements like that?!? 

You are worthy of love, you are MORE THAN worthy of love, and she has no right to make statements like that.

Those girls need to be brought down a peg or two behaving like that and intimidating others.


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4 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Continue to report this to teachers. Distributing child pornographic images is a crime.

If these bullies corner you, leave and go straight to a teacher guidance counselor or principal.

Thanks for your help! Truth is I already brought it up with both the guidance counselor and discipline. They didn’t do anything since they only talked to me, but they know that my bully is rude and try their best to keep us a safe distance. But she was way too close in this class. Also I think the teacher did not do much because she thought “there’s no one in the background that could be seen in any undergarments” so they said it was fine. But I’m considering on telling my mother since this is considered a leniency on the school, especially with our “no phones policy” Due to that students are often required to have a parent-pick up.

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