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I'm the crazy ex-girlfriend - so humiliated!

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On 12/29/2021 at 1:46 AM, wheninrome75 said:

you say things and actually advise of actions that could lead down a very dark end for people instead of helping.  

If I were on the receiving end of behaviour like following me and showing up at my house and poking around my car, I would frankly not really care if the person in question could not emotionally handle a restraining order. Nor if it ruined their employment possibilities in the future. Behaviour has consquences, and it would be my priority to protect my well-being, not the person behaving inappropriately. 

And that is what OP needs to hear: The police, the court system or her ex and his girlfriend aren't going to much care if she feels this was a mistake or hasn't seen him in 2 years or they weren't home when she prowled around their private property. They aren't going to treat her with kid gloves no matter how much she tries to minimize it. And I don't see her really taking much responsibility for what she did, nor really grasping how problematic it actually is. So yes, a restraining order could be in her future if she doesn't get a hold of herself here. She would be wise to listen to the warnings here so it doesn't ever come to that. 

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If you haven’t watched the tv show by the same name I thoroughly recommend it. If the main character resonates with you I think you’ll find solace. Also you’ll be able to see both how increasingly out of line she acts and the consequences that come with it and how big her heart is. 

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