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How long to wait when she needs space?


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On 9/10/2021 at 7:58 AM, Squigg said:

I was a bit intense and jealous

...and so you can't tell whether she was actually pulling away or whether you scared her away. None of us can read those tea leaves, either.

Sometimes a major life event, like a hospital stay during a worldwide pandemic, can prompt a person to need some free-form time to relax with trusted friends rather than scheduled time with someone less well-known.

That could have been an easily navigated bump in the road, OR, it could have been the pull-away you feared. That answer would have become evident on its own.

Instead, you've cut yourself off from valuable information. That's not a crime, but this can teach you WHY you won't want to do that again.

I'd leave this alone. If you ever hear from this woman again, you can possibly rekindle with some patience and a willingness to live with uncertainty until SHE is willing to raise whatever shut her down.

Head high, we all learn by living.

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On 9/10/2021 at 7:58 AM, Squigg said:

I will hold my hands up and say I was a bit intense and jealous (due to issues I need to resolve from a previous relationship) and said I had a feeling she was no longer interested in me. 

More likely she wanted to retain a healthy mental state by distancing herself from the BS you dished out.

You two are not exclusive and she didn't owe you anything, and there is never a reason to call someone out on your feeling that you're being neglected or not made a priority in a new dating scenario like this. What you should do is have a wait and see attitude. After you asked her out on Sunday and she said no, the ball would've been in her court to suggest a date with you. And if she didn't, and never initiated communication, it's your signal she's just not that into you. At that point, you can fade away or simply say: This isn't working for me. 

Keep people in your life who reciprocate effort. Make sure your expectations aren't unreasonable of what a healthy relationship entails. If you see a pattern that a person doesn't match you in how much you want to communicate or date, try dating someone else. You already know your faults, so have those under control before attempting to date again or you will drive away all women who have healthy self-esteems (women will low self-worth might put up with the mistreatment).

So my advice is to leave her alone. You've burned that bridge.

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