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Application for internal role - "courteous protocol"

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Hi all,

I'm a bit on the fence as to how I should proceed.

I found an internal role I'm perfectly qualified for (as in, I tick all the boxes). The role was posted yesterday and I started my application.

The policy states you should inform your manager of "your search before you receive a formal an offer".

My manager is OOO at the moment, so in any case, I will probably apply before informing them. My worries are:

  • People are leaving the team for internal roles, but they have no problem replacing them. My issue is our local team is small (only 3 of us) and it might be an issue when trying to move (as in, they won't have anyone to cover).
  • If I get rejected, the manager will think I'll try to move externally instead, but it's not the case. I've been with the company a year and a half. It's just the prospective role is really interesting and something I've been meaning to pursue for ages (plus, it's an upwards move which would bring me back to an acceptable level for my years of experience).

I'm worried they might use this against me to get rid of me if I don't get the role (not probable, but I'm paranoid). 

My current role is also changing in the sense that they're now integrating a new team which will handle a portion of our current responsibilities. We'll only be left with the "menial" tasks starting next month. It's part of the reason why I want to move on, but it's obviously not the reason I'll use when speaking to the manager.

The company is huge on internal mobility and they promoted this every day. Tons of people have left our team for an internal pursuit, but I'm worried.

What would be the best course of action?


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I like bolt’s advice.  In your company pursuing an internal role is seen very differently and doesn’t seem to be seen as wanting to leave the company.  In fact it demonstrates your continuing loyalty because you want essentially to use your skills to the best of your ability including to better the company. We have these sorts of internal moves at my company. And sometimes the current manager tries to keep the employee but not in any negative way.

Meaning it’s just because they value the employee and of the employee takes the new role totally no hard feelings. In fact I’d assume she or he would be welcome to return to the former role if it was available.  
good luck !

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5 hours ago, RuedeRivoli said:

The policy states you should inform your manager of "your search before you receive a formal an offer".

I like Bolt's advice. 

Also, the above does NOT say, "You must inform your manager before applying...."

If you receive an INformal offer, you can notify your boss. Unless and until then, you get to decide the right time and the right degree to which you'll want to pitch your desire for mobility to your boss.

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