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Help me plz, think that i lost my baby


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ok yeah i have been trying to have a baby but i am 2 months pregent and a couple days ago i was at my boyfriends house and we slept together and with an an hour of us sleeping together i started bleedin really bad then clear stuff came out, mean i want in that much pain or anything.. i could do everything just fine,, but the earlest that i could get in to see my doctor is saturday and i am afride that i lost my baby or is close to it so any one who lost there baby plz reply to me i really want to know.........i am so scare

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You can always go to an emergency room even if your personal doctor isn't available. If you bleed heavily like that during a pregnancy you need to see a doctor to find out what is going on. I'm not sure if you miscarried or not, but it is possible.


Please go see a doctor immediately. Don't wait until Saturday.

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A close friend at college had this same problem. She's just had a miscarrige and thought she was 3 months. It turned out that she was only 1 and the baby had died 2 months ago. I'd go to the doctors now! Or the hospital and get it checked out! There could be something wrong.


Take care,


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Go to the Emergancy Room immediately - I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was 12 weeks along - I started to hemmorage then my water broke (probably that clear liquid stuff you were describing)... I went to the ER and my baby was still alive - I was put on antibiotics (very important to the baby if your water has broken!!!!)... and had to be on bed rest - I eventually had a full term very healthy baby boy - BUT IT WAS BECAUSE I DID SOMETHING RIGHT AWAY!!!!


Get to the hospital!!!!!

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Were you definitely pregnant?


You need to go to an ER or to doctor ASAP. If you were pregnant and miscarried, if you are still carrying tissue inside it can get infected and cause severe complications to your healthy and fertility.



If you were pregnant, yes it is possible that the bleeding signalled the loss of the pregnancy - miscarriages are very common as it means the genetics or formation was not correct. It's natures way of preventing deformities and other problems with the child. It does not mean that you will not be able to have a healthy baby later on.

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I agree agree agree!!


If you were pregnant you MUST go to the hospital immediately!





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Japanese Proverb

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