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Heaven or hell question?

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okay, according to Bible, suicide is a sin. But you won't go to hell because of it. That's a sin that will be forgiven - Bible says that all your sins are forgiven if you have faith. Suicide is not anything special.


It's still one of the last things God wants you to do. But it would be forgiven, yes.

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im not a terribly religious person (although i do believe in God) so i honestly cannot give you an answer based on anything but my own opinion.


i believe that no one has the right to play God and no one has the right to take any life that God has put here on this earth. that being said, i also believe that God is merciful.


i dont know what happens to a soul of someone who has committed suicide, but i dont believe anything is worth taking your own life over. please, if you are considering it talk to someone, get help! if you need to talk to someone please feel free to PM me!

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sorry...i should have read all the other posts before posting mine but i have a question for apollocreed71 and anyone else who could answer me...


you said that God has a plan for us ahead of time, and i believe that is true, but i somewhat disagree when you say God knows ahead of time what will push someone to suicide...i dont really think it is in God's plan to have people killing themselves...


like i said before im not terribly religious so i wont pretend that what i believe is right, its just sort of how i percieve God and whatnot, but i am curious...was what you said just your opinion or does it actually say that in the bible or what? im curious? if youd prefer to PM me please feel free!

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Well put it in this perspective, in Christianity. Jesus sacrificed His life so we can live through Him and experience life to fulfillment. He died for us so that we can carry His love that He left for us.


To just commit suicide and give up your life is rejecting this love that He had given us. To commit suicide is acting in a way where your sin can not be forgiven because you simply do not have the chance to recognize your sin and ask for God's forgivness. You are giving up on God and giving up on love altogether, in which it is more of a rejection. This is why I believe it is an unforgivable sin.


Do I believe that they are permenantly destined for hell? I believe that Jesus is passionate and will recognize mental sicknesses when judgement comes, but only He is able to make the decision.


As for the comment that we are already in hell, I do not believe that at all. Judgement hasn't even been made to destin us to one place or the other. I think earth is a place of love and hate that allows you to experience parts of both worlds (heaven and hell) to help guide you to your own decision and way of life. If this is hell then why is there love?


But remember this is just my opinion.

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From years of playing on the ouija board, this is what I've learned:


All dark


No sound


No feelings- just float in empty space


Can only see or hear or feel when my soul reaches out to them- but they dont see me. They only hear my voice, see a blurry image of the ouija board, and feel their spiritual arm entertwined with my spirit's arm (ever hear of an aura? according to them, our body is not a temple for the soul but rather the body is carried by the soul... and there is no where one soul ends or another begins. There are only distinctions between them that cut them up into sections like say a house of many rooms has the same air floating throughout but the kitchen's air smells different than that of the living room's air where the fireplace is on- make sense?)... they sometimes can also see the room around me if I talk with them long enough. The more we talk, the more the senses of my world and the area I am in are opened up to them


They travel by thought. Just by thinking of a person they know, they find themselves looking at them through the swirly darkness and drift around them to see different perspectives (this is how it is in life too. we travel by thought but since there is time here, it happens slower. that is why prayers seem actually answered and all the right things for your soul at a certain time are brought to you- like all the right people. what you believe will happen, you experience happening- and since we are trapped in a limited reality, we believe we have to go by certain rules when the only reason they are there is because we obey them... by obeying we are believing in them. It's best to learn this as a child when you are naive enough to believe anything- otherwise it takes years to be able to control what happens to you. We control everything, you see)


Sometimes a light comes for them when they are talking to me too much and sucks them up like a vaccuum only for them to land in another place of darkness, nothing more


This is like this only when they are caught in the dark place. There is a way out though. Some have made it out.


To get out of the dark place, you have to believe you already are. What you believe you experience. It takes a long time to figure out. Sometimes years to millions of years. sometimes just days. What you know in life you take with you to death so it is better to know this now

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If you want to commit suicide to go to heaven, you are definitely heading down the wrong path. YOu really need to find some supportive friends. Tell them how you feel. Tell them how you think. REmember there are alot of suicide hotlines out there, and they are anonymous. Try giving them a call. Remember how much of a future you will be missing out on if you commit suicide...missing out on a marriage, on children, on a career, on so much. Remember what you will lose if you kill yourself.

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Oh God you people are so brain washed by your religious and cultural upbringing that you cannot look at this objectively.

Sometimes suicide is okay. Sometimes it's justified. And in many cultures it is looked at as commendable. There are reasons why it can be laudable and without having experienced their thoughts and feelings on the matter none of you are capable of considering the matter.

Me personally -- I would like to extirpate myself someday in such a way people will not find my body nor know I died by suicide. I would much prefer gaining a position of power and social influence though and get gunned down or such. But only after I have found true happiness, fame and achievement and not for a good twenty years or so. Death can be beautiful if done artistically and for the right reasons.

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I think suicide is silly because if your soul wanted to dispose of your body, it would. If you have to commit suicide then obviously your soul still has a reason to be there and so you are only cheating yourself. There is never a time, as bleak as life may be, that there is absolutely no hope left whatsoever. There is always more and you just dont know if it's going to get better or not so how can you just decide that it wont?

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Oh God you people are so brain washed by your religious and cultural upbringing that you cannot look at this objectively.


Brainwashed is such the right word. We are ALL brainwashed But yeah, I agree. You've all become one deminsional by your beliefs


If I wrote a Bible and kept it accurate as far as historical setting and such and people believed it was true for a long time just because it's been there a long time, would you believe it too?

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(apollocreed71: "It is said God does not put on you more than you can bare") - This is true. No matter how bad it seems, you are able to take it. And there is always someone worse off.


Suicide is a last resort for an option that cannot be made. Some people feel it is inevitable that they should die but once they realise there is another way, there is hope beyond the irrational instinct, then suicide does not seem necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

God obviously did put people on earth with more than they can bare which is why they kill themselves or go crazy in the first place.

People don't kill themselves because they feel hope or alternatives to their suffering. Nor do I really think God would be so petty as to punish someone for acting out of desperation to end their suffering. Plus what about all those cultures where suicide is lauded? Japan, ancient Israel, the muslim world, aztec's human sacrifices, certain ancient cultures. etc etc.

Tell me, do any of you know the genetics and psychology behind suicide?

And as far as "someone worse off" that isn't neccesarily true.

There are people suffering far more emotionally and psychologially in America than 'many' people in third world countries.

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This is an interesting question... From my studies into the afterlife.... When you die.... you are judge into two ways.... you soul is weighted by how much you have LOVE you have given. Have you been loving when you were on the earth? Did you spend your time hating people and causing pain? Did you bring love and joy to those around you? This is how you soul is weighted and this is something you do unto yourself. You gravitate to a level in the afterlife most appropriate to you soul evolution. A light and joyful person will graviate to somewhere which reflects their inner light. Those that have a darker soul will fall to darker places.


Much like the law of like attract like.


Second You may find you create your own hell in the afterlife and you create your own heaven.


When you commit suicide you are doing a very damaging thing because you will be shocked to find that IT IS YOU who judge yourself most heavily because the remorse and guilt of throwing that life away will hold you back. You may not graviate to such a high plane of existence for sometime until you release the guilt of such an act. Much like quiting school before you finish graduating... You spend the rest of you time thinking that maybe you did the wrong thing...by quiting....


The point is we are meant to struggle and there in lies to jewel of greateness for those that rise to the challenge and carry on will find ways to polish their inner light.


I remember reading that the harder life is on you the more of an advance soul you are... because you have accepted a greater challenge. Throught self mastery can we become great because without darkness we cannot have the opportunity to show that we can shine so bright.


Be a light for others by being a loving and joyful person.

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I did a lot of reading. Pretty much read ever significant book written on the subject of the afterlife. Probably over a period of 5 years... a book a week... so that is about 250 books.


As to the tangible part of your question... you have to ask yourself what is tangible? Consider the fact that things such as love and dreams exist but are hardly tangible? Yet they are some of the most treasured aspects of being human? What exactly is a dream? How do we prove that we love someone?


Just be aware that there are some place your logical brain cant take you and their are some place you can only travel to with your imagination. I would say that you can make a good start with being enlighted by following your right brain and start trusting in your intuition, creativity and higher self.

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I guess it depends really, alot of peope could ague it alot of ways. i mean some would wonder, if your so relgious then would you actually end something that god gave you? others would argue that god gave you that course of life and its your time..or maybe you dont believe in god just the prospect of hell or heaven... personally, id like to think that if your a good person and havent intentionally hurt others, youll get something good at the end f your life. who knows what it will be or if there is anything.


if you ask questions like this then obviously suicide is a little qestionable and your unsure. if this question is for you. then consider the consequences, those who are in too deep dont have the chance.


i guess id say more but its a personal preferance type of things. dont want to come accross wrongly.


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God obviously did put people on earth with more than they can bare which is why they kill themselves or go crazy in the first place.

People don't kill themselves because they feel hope or alternatives to their suffering. Nor do I really think God would be so petty as to punish someone for acting out of desperation to end their suffering. Plus what about all those cultures where suicide is lauded? Japan, ancient Israel, the muslim world, aztec's human sacrifices, certain ancient cultures. etc etc.

Tell me, do any of you know the genetics and psychology behind suicide?

And as far as "someone worse off" that isn't neccesarily true.

There are people suffering far more emotionally and psychologially in America than 'many' people in third world countries.


I'm afraid I have to agree with NB on this one..

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