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How should I act around her tomorrow?

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Okay, so I asked out this girl on Friday, and we've started dating. Thing is, I haven't dated in such a long time, so I'm a bit rusty on all this. So I'd like to know what is generally acceptable to do when I see her tomorrow during school? We obviously haven't kissed yet, and we've not held hands yet either. I did put my arm around her back on Friday when we were watching a movie, but that's about it. I haven't got to spend any time with her other than on Friday.


Should I just act like I would if we were friends, or should I think about holding hands? Too soon? I don't want to rush this relationship or anything. I personally feel holding hands would be fine, but I don't want to rush her.


EDIT: The reason I'm asking this is because I don't want to seem like I don't know what I'm doing around her tomorrow. I don't want to awkwardly move when she's around and stuff. I want to know what I should do and have it show.

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Have you talked on the phone? I would act like her boyfriend. Just go up to her, give her a shy sexy smile and grab her hand. That way if you do the smile thing she'll know your nervous too but really want to be with her. Girls appreciate it when a guy lets her know how he's feeling. Trust me she has probably been on the phone with her friends asking the same questions you are. Just be yourself and enjoy your new relationship.

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Wait wait...act like her boyfriend? How many times have you been out with her? Unless you've been out with her like 4-5 times, I wouldn't walk up to her and do that. You don't know if she's dating other people or not, I'm not sure if that's the best idea...even if it came from a girl. If it was only your first time out the other day, you just give her a call tom. nite and ask her out again tho....I wouldn't act like you're 'together' if you've only been out once.

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We've been out a couple times, but honestly, we've never been out on a real date. I only asked her out last Friday, and we've both been real busy since then. I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, and we are techincally "together", it's just that it's that awkward, early part of the relationship that happens in High School.

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I think I know what you mean...well if you think you're 'technically' together, you should be okay, but I don't know if I'd act like that at school or not. I think you should just ask her out again...then you should begin advancing(holding hands...kiss maybe). At school just smile and flirt with her until you know you two are together for sure.

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Well, I'm pretty sure I already KNOW, but I am planning on asking her out on a real date tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a day off where she's free too. It's not really her schedule that's complicated, it's mine, because I actually have work. But my work schedule is only assigned per week, and on a Wednesday, so I can't make cement plans early in the week. Unlike her, where she just has practices for dance and stuff, always at the same time.

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Just act like an interested friend tomorrow. Be friendly, make eye contact, smile, but don't try to take her hand or be overly pushy. If you haven't been on an actual date it would come accross as a little too pushy and that can be a turn off for some girls.

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