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Well me and my new girlfriend have been going GREAT. We really hit it off, i have known her for a month or so, and she has liked me for awhile so she says. i asked her out and we have been dating for 6 days. i will say it again we have really been going great. After the fifth day we told each other how we really felt and said we loved each other, and we cuddle any chance we get..


well to my question, though its rather silly, but i have been wondering, is showing such strong feelings this early bad? or is love at first sight really a real thing?

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5th day is merely a beginning. I know how you feel, I met my first g/f when I was 16 & boy did I have the biggest butterflies in the world the first few weeks.


Do give it some space though. It's a 'must' in a relationship to give each other time, go out with your own friends and miss each other. I know you two probably want to see each other and hear each other everyday but it will get boring after few months. Trust me on this. But good luck...she sounds like a great girl for you. Just take it slow and don't go too fast is one advice I can give...

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