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Everything posted by Someonewhoneedshelp

  1. I am currently dating a girl whom I have dated before, about a year ago. I'm a senior this year, and she's a junior (Highschool). The first time we dated, we got off to a great start, we fell for each other quickly, and moved pretty fast, too fast probably. That might have been the reason we didn't date longer than almost 2 months last time we did, at least that's what we both agreed probably was the reason. In between our relationship, we were friends at first, but for reasons uknown, she began just be a plain bi*ch to me. I retaliated, and well we were'nt friends much longer. I thought I had moved on and I dated another person, but I still had feelings for her (many months after break up) and my girlfriend at the time broke up with me because of that, and I didn't blame her, it wasn't fair for her. Though over summer, my ex from a year ago and me got into an argument, in which in the end both of us had apologized for being sour to each other (and in which she also left hints of harboring some feelings), and we agreed to put it behind us and be friends. For a couple months we were nice to each other, didn't really spend too much time with each other until school started about a month ago. She then told me she still had some feelings for me, and I told her I did as well, but she didn't want to date yet, she wasn't sure if she wanted to. Well a little less than a month later she made up her mind and now we are dating. Now we moved fast both emotionally, and physically the first time around. We never have had sex, but we've done other sexual activities. We agreed this time around we would take our relationship slower, one step at a time. As far as physically, I can do that, but emotionally...I just don't think I can hold in all the feelings I still have for her from a year ago. But I don't want to overwhelm her and pressure her, as we've only been in a relationship since this weekend. Our relationship has gotten off to a great start, and I don't want to ruin it. Seeing as we've dated before and both loved each other for a time in our last relationship, is it unsuprising one would still harbor strong feelings? Is it a good idea to tell her how I really feel? Or would it be best to just take it one step at a time and try my best to wait until I know she'd be ready, assuming she isn't now.
  2. thanks alot man you have been killer help. I express my most grateful gratitude.
  3. Well truth is you are EXACTLY right, she is not very emotionally stable, she breaks down alot, and she said she was scared of getting close to me because of what happened to her before. Well i guess she made up her mind, i no longer want to date her now that i look at her from a single point of view. She is pretty childish, i know but i chose to look past that becuase i thought i could help her become more 'stable' and grow up a bit. Oh well, but i still am not hte type of guy to deliberatly be an A-hole and hurt peoples feelings, and i feel bad for doing that.
  4. Well I just need to say this to someone and i can't reach any of my friends for advice. My girlfriend broke up with me today. It was kind of out of the blue. I mean just friday everything seemed fine between us. I am in kansas right now visiting my folks for 2 more weeks and then i would be back in texas where i live. She kept goin on how she missed me and all that. Well yesterday, the 18th, marked the month aniversary in which i asked her out. I never kept track on how long we went out, i mean if someone asked me i could answer it but i just never kept track. And apparently people are suppose to at least say "happy aniversary" or something after a month of dating, i never heard of it, so i didnt say anything and she got mad. After trying to tell her that i was just ignorant people ever did anything over that she just said let it go because theres nothing i can do to make it better. so the next day..today, she calls me and says she wants to break up because she doesn't like how our relationship is going or whatever, but she said "i do like you alot and i enjoy hanging out with you but i just dont want to do the boyfriend/girlfriend thing anymore" Needless to say i was a bit pissed off at the sudden mood swing and rash action. I didnt say anything yet, so i just said "fine" and hung up before i did. I then called her back 30 minutes later, she didnt answer so i left a message letting her know that i guess i cant help how she feels, and i didnt mean to hang up like that she didnt deserve it, but i was and still am pissed off. The answering machine cut me off and so i got on instant messneger and she was on away, so i said...more. I really wish i didnt say what i said. but i went on saying how could she do something like this, everyting be so peachy and fine a few days ago to an all of a sudden change of mood. I was also talking to my friend, and he told me that girls usually break up with guys when they are on vacation when they found someone else. I dont know if thats true or not but i didnt care at the time i thought it was a good enough so i told her that. (but i only did because someone told me that she was cheating on me with her ex boyfriend, whom she dated for almost a year last year. she said she wasnt and that she was truly offended someone would say that..which honestly now i find hard to believe considering her extremely 'tease' like nature. but still i dont know for sure if she is or not so i shouldnt have said that). and well its been a few hours since she broke up with me and i have cooled down a bit and i feel really regretful that i would say all those things. Right now she thinks i am stupid and an A-hole, and i know its too late to take back what i said, but would there be any advice on what i could do to possibly...let her know i didnt mean it? I only got mad because when she broke up with me i felt lied too, she said all these things like she really liked me and was starting to fall in love but if she truly felt that way she wouldnt have broken up with me.
  5. Yea i am trying to take it slow, we haven't kissed yet, besides on the cheek at least, but yea i dont want to rush it, i want to savor it.
  6. Well me and my new girlfriend have been going GREAT. We really hit it off, i have known her for a month or so, and she has liked me for awhile so she says. i asked her out and we have been dating for 6 days. i will say it again we have really been going great. After the fifth day we told each other how we really felt and said we loved each other, and we cuddle any chance we get.. well to my question, though its rather silly, but i have been wondering, is showing such strong feelings this early bad? or is love at first sight really a real thing?
  7. yes i feel that the reason she broke up with me the first time was because i think i kinda rushed things just a little bit, and spent alot of time with her, and she got 'bored' as most girls do. but now i think it hit her "you dont miss something till its gone" and if we do end up getting back together if all you guys are right (which i hope you are lol) i think i will learn from my previous mistakes. i havnt had a chance to talk to her since tuesday, so i dont know whats goin on but i will see her tomorrow when we go bowling for a friends birthday. should i let her beat me
  8. yea i figured she still did, i almost ask this other girl out and she said she was glad i didnt, never told me why when i asked, but i kinda knew it. And she often asks who i like, i use to always say her, then one time sometime after we broke up i said i did, but i was trying not to in all, ya know, becuase i wanted to move on, she gave me an example of how her friend liked this one guy, but he never liked her, but now he likes her and they are going out. I said "so does that mean we might go out sometime" she was like "nononono" then said "well, i dont know"
  9. Well, there is nothing you can really do to stop a girl from saying those dreaded "i just want to be friends" words. If she doesnt like you not much you can do about it...but. Just start flirting with those girls you like and see how they react. like when your walking down the hall bump into them. if they bump back they might be interested, if they kinda just...get further away thats a pretty obvious message. If you get positive signals when you flirt with her ask her out to a movie or something, or invite her and a few other friends over to your place to hang out, i do that all the time
  10. There is a girl i really like, shes 15, im also 15 going on 16. I went out with her before but then we broke up and its been a few months. after she broke up it was tough to get over it but i finally did, i still like her but i started to move on with my life in all. We are still good friends and talk all the time, and she often well, gushes, about how she likes a few other guys. She says she is very confused, all my friends and her friends tell me that she will end up going out with me again becuase she likes me or something, i get mixed singals, she flirts with me alot still but at other times she seems a little distant. When she was telling me who she liked, she named four guys, and was about to name a fifth then suddenly stopped and said that was it. im trying to be a friend and tell her that she should date whoever she feels happiest with, or just dont date anyone and that theres nothign wrong with that. Basically my question is should i stop watching on the sidelines and try to get back out with her or should i just wait until shes finally out of her confusion and infatuations.
  11. Ok, she just told me that the guy she liked said he liked her to and that he was gonna ask her out when he got his license or something march 29th. So basically i know that i probably wont be going out with her, in the near future at least, and just nee some tips on how to get over her, cuz i still really like her and its hard just to stop.
  12. yes thats what ive been doing really, we are still really good friends. we actually got closer ever since i asked her out, but i havnt brought up me going out with her since hse told me she didnt want to, i guess if she changes her mind she'd tell me, or show me signs. until then i guess ill just keep doin what im doin.
  13. Alright i will try to keep this short, i asked a girl to a dance about a month ago, we went and had a blast, and a few days afterwards she started to act very strange and avoiding me. I found it was becuase she didnt really like me and she felt bad for leading me on (she really acted like she did like me fooled me and a bunch of others) and she started kinda goin out with this other guy. Then about two weeks ago they broke up. Me and her talked on AIM alot, hours at a time and i had a feeling she liked me with the things she was saying, how she wanted to go to places and wanted me to go with her, ect... then saturday before valentines day she asked me to ask her out on monday, of course i was happy becuase i still did like her, then sunday she told me she needed more time, but asked to be my valentine. Then valentines day she said she didnt want to go out with me but she wanted to go out with this guy she really liked since 7th grade (shes a freshman now). Basically i know she likes the other guy for a fact, not sure if he likes her or not but my question is i guess if that guy doesnt like her or they end up breaking up if it would be worth tryin to go out with this girl, because i kinda think she does like me a little bit just likes the other guy more... and if it isnt worth goin for her then any tips how to get over her? we are sitll really good friends and i like her alot and no matter how hard i try its hard to keep her off my mind
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