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Revenge!! Is this a good idea?

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Basically I was seeing a student teacher for a month or so. We met in a disco and we got on really well. We met up often and went for drinks. We went to the cinema one day though and she was a rude and ignorant cow to me so I really called a halt to our "dates".

About a week later she came back and grovelled to me and apologised, I accepted it and gave her the benifit of the doubt. The next couple of weeks went well and one night we went back to her place. That night we slept together. I wasn't really wanting to go all the way with her, infact she instigated it and I just went along with her. Looking back, I should have stayed strong and declined, but I didn't.

The next night she kissed another guy passionately in the disco where I was in the vicinity. I tried to grab her but she ran away. I was furious, I felt so used. I confronted her on the phone the next morning (woke her up infact) and she apologised etc etc.

We've never met again although we have had the occasional text to each other. She said that she was confused because of how I was treating her!! She tried to meet up with me but went in a mood when I told her I was busy. I tried to call her and arrange a meeting but she kept hanging up. Her last SMS to me was saying: "I'm moving back to my own part of the country when my placement is done, good-bye!"


So, for my revenge.... I know that she is currently on placement in a High School and I have been very tempted to seek some sort of personal satisfaction for playing with my emotions and refusing to speak to me. My idea is to have a banner about her made and hung on the school fence. I was thinking that would be a great way of letting her and her pupils and fellow teachers know what kind of person she really is.

What do you think? any better ideas??

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Making that banner would require a lot more effort than just ignoring her for the rest of your life. Don't put in any more effort into this girl than you already have. It's done. Move on to the next female. It's as simple as that.

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Absolutely not!! Big mistake and a way-over-the-top reaction. She may have treated you badly but she didn't humiliate you in front of hundreds of people, some of them erstwhile colleagues of sorts.


That sort of revenge would say more about you than it ever would about her.

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Yes. Exactly what DN and Chai said. It would say a lot more about you than her. If you did do that, all her co-workers and students would see, gasp, , and then go to her and say, "Oh my god! Your ex is insane! Was he this nuts when you were dating him? I'm so sorry!!!"


And then this would get out, and other girls you meet would think of you as the insane ex who put up a banner. I would not date that guy.

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Bob remember, a dish is best served cold. And a lot of cold thing's taste mighty good. However, even though revenge is sometimes pleasant and tasty, in this case it'd be more trouble than it's worth. And besides, you should avoid taking revenge on people you have/had feelings for, it only hurts you in the end. Save revenge for coworkers and people running against you if you decide to run for public office.

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Oh come on people!!! Lighten up....lol

Bob, don't do the banner....get a bumper sticker made...

and put it on her car. She'll drive around for months most likely not realizing it's there...lol

Get one that promotes honking if they like a certain thing...

or that says she hates a certain kind of people....imagine the looks she'll get ..lol.

Ok..Ok..I AM kidding.....

but it's funny to imagine at least!!!

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Or, "Honk if you like Mud Wrestling" or "I'll have your baby Brad!"


hehehe (The last one, if you don't follow the celeb news, is a really hot T-shirt right now. Allegedly, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split because she didn't want to have kids anytime soon.)

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As upset as you may feel, really try and resist the urge to do anything.


A friend of mine made up a "wanted" poster of her ex boyfriend. They got his photo made up the wanted poster, made up copies and posted them up all around the area that the ext lived, the neighbouring streets, the bust stops, newsagent windows everything. Admittedly, he did much more to her than what this woman has done to you. She has always maintained that she has never regretted it and it actually made he feel better, gave her some power back.


I'm not encouraging anyone to go and seek revenge here, but I think of my friends scenario and think, gosh the time and effort it must have taken for her and her sisters to go through all that etc etc...it's not worth it.

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As upset as you may feel, really try and resist the urge to do anything.


A friend of mine made up a "wanted" poster of her ex boyfriend. They got his photo made up the wanted poster, made up copies and posted them up all around the area that the ext lived, the neighbouring streets, the bust stops, newsagent windows everything. Admittedly, he did much more to her than what this woman has done to you. She has always maintained that she has never regretted it and it actually made he feel better, gave her some power back.


I'm not encouraging anyone to go and seek revenge here, but I think of my friends scenario and think, gosh the time and effort it must have taken for her and her sisters to go through all that etc etc...it's not worth it.


And, as we said before, tella us a lot about her. People might think, and probably did, that he was right to break up with someone who could be as nasty as that.

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A quote by Greg Behrendt, the co-author of "He's just not that into you," (one of my favorite books):


I regretfully admit to having "disappeared" on a woman in my previous life as a single guy. A year later I saw this woman on the street, standing in front of a cafe. She looked stunning and was holding hands with a very handsome dude. I realized that I was of course ten million miles out of her head, and probably had been two minutes after I stopped calling her. Her life looked way more dignified than my behavior.
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Erm.... MOVE ON! Why are you still hung up on her? I thought we decided before that she was nuts, with all her hostile PMs after you were a gentleman. You can't get hurt everytime you meet a nutcase. There are so many of them out there. You just have to forget it, and move on.


Be like that girl that greg disappeared on. Like they say, "Living well is the best revenge." When you are sucessful and happy and dating a gorgeous woman, and she sees you on the street, she'll be the one who will feel sorry.

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The banner idea is a bad one, it will make you look small and not the other way round.

My brother ended up with some ol' slapper once even though we had warned him what we had heard about her being one.

Well he thought she would be different to him and that he was special, and sure in front of him she really acted like he was the one and only.

Well she managed a night club and within that club she was constantly f***ing differnt guys, my brother still refused to believe it but after a while you could see it was starting to screw him up.

He looked anxious, his confidence was at an all time low and we could even see his posture when sitting down was that of an insecure person.


Well they were out one night and they argued, she then ended up heavily kissing another guy who wanted to get at my brother for some reason too.

My brother just smiled at them and walked on by and then she threw a pint over him because he did not act jealous.


Well in the end he decided to dump her, and ironically her best friend called to see if he was ok, well you know what happened, he ended up bedding 'the best friend' that night.


Oh yeah my brother ended up catching an STD from his ex, which took some fixing. lucky he did not get aids!

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