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Is this wrong for me to do?


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I'm a 22 year old female and relatively new to dating. I'm looking for a long term relationship and have a guy I am am interested in but it's not serious yet. There is another guy I've hung out with a couple times that I like, but he admitted to me that's he's not looking for a romantic relationship right now but would not be against a friends with benefits situation. I normally would not want to have sex with someone unless I was actually in a relationship with them, but I'm kind of considering doing that with him because I actually enjoy spending time with him, and he feels the same way. I would obviously stop seeing him if it turned serious with the other guy. Is it weird or wrong that I am considering doing this?

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You are already into someone else... as mentioned, why get involved with a guy who wants to USE you?

Most often with this kind of situation, YOU end up emotionally invested and they walk away.  You are still young & impressionable, please do not do that. ( How do you know this guy doesn't already have a few other gals lined up for the same thing?)  😞 

Is there something wrong with persuing the guy you already have an interest it?  If not, be honest with him and leave it be.



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You are an adult, you do whatever you want....BUT there can be consequences. You don't know how the guy you turn serious with would feel about you having a FWB while he was pursuing you. We have had oodles of threads of guys upset that they found out their GF was getting busy with a guy when they started dating. There is no right or wrong, just a matter of what ones opinion is. Nothing worse than meeting mr. wonderful, only to have him turn away because of your FWB.

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37 minutes ago, Paige1998 said:

I'm a 22 year old female and relatively new to dating. I'm looking for a long term relationship and have a guy I am am interested in but it's not serious yet. There is another guy I've hung out with a couple times that I like, but he admitted to me that's he's not looking for a romantic relationship right now but would not be against a friends with benefits situation. 

You can see/date whoever you wish until you  decide to be mutually exclusive. Often that conversation happens when things get physical. If you want a relationship, a FWB situation could end up with headaches and heartaches.

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